God’s Direction and Guidance

“Lead me, O Lord, in Thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make Thy way straight  before my face.” – Psalm 5:8 (KJV)

The Lord wants to lead us once we are willing to follow His direction. Psalms 23:2 says, “…He leadeth me beside the still waters.” He wants to meet your needs for direction and guidance. 

Israel had one of the worst leaders at a particular time in their history, King Ahab. He was a very powerful king who believed in false gods and idol worship and made Israel suffer by forsaking the commandments of the Lord (1 Kings 18:18). 

.Elijah was a humble servant of God who was called during that period to speak to King Ahab so that God’s people could move out of disobedience and captivity. Elijah had no involvement with idol worship and always believed in telling the truth to the people without any fear. He allowed God to guide him and confirmed His (God’s) status as the True and Living God to King Ahab, the people, and the over eight hundred false prophets (1 Kings 18:19-39)

Friends and believers, God has promised us victory when we pass through the waters (trials) – Isaiah 43:2. He will be with us, He said. He was with Elijah. Elijah was not overwhelmed by the vast amount of prophets. He simply followed God’s instructions. 

Stephen also was a  man full of faith, power, and the Holy Spirit. He was richly blessed by  God and performed great miracles and wonders among the people (Acts 6:8). He practiced what was fair, just, and forgiveness unto his death by asking God not to “charge” his killers with their sin of killing him for speaking the truth (Acts 7:60).

Seeking God’s guidance and direction also, Joseph suffered at the hands of his brothers, who wanted him dead but settled for trading him as a slave to the Egyptians. He chose to forgive his brothers and reconcile (Genesis 50:19-21). He chose to let go of those who had hurt him. We can do the same once we are willing to be guided by God’s Holy Spirit and Word.  


Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your direction and guidance through Your servants who listened to that still voice and worked in obedience. Help us not to compromise Your Word but to continue to serve You in spirit and in truth. In Jesus’s name, Amen. 

Read: Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 43:2
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 80:1-7; Acts 23:12-35; 2 Kings 8:16-29; 2 Kings 9


  1. Mayleen King

    We were created to serve Him and have fellowship with Him. This is our duty for our benefits. We are saved, sanctified hence service.

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