God’s Promises Are True – Part 1

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. – Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)

Have you ever made a promise? Or had someone made you a promise? Were you disappointed when the promises made weren’t fulfilled? Maybe you’ve had negative experiences and may have trust issues as a result of that incident or those incidents. But I know a Man whose promises are true because His Word is truth. He and His Word are one.

In Jeremiah 29:11 God is giving us an assurance of who He is and what He can and will do in our life. Earlier in the chapter (verses 5-7) we see God instructing the Israelites to live where they were in captivity by building houses, planting gardens and marrying their children so they would increase. If you can apply this simple instruction to your life wherever you are in life’s journey you would see God working. Your place of captivity could be a job, family or a depressed community. If you choose to stand upon the Word of God, believe, place a demand on your faith and allow God to work in your life; you would achieve the extraordinary. 

If it’s the job, grow on the job by developing yourself and add to your curriculum vitae. Make yourself teachable. Never say this isn’t my work, because one day you can become the Chief Executive Officer. Clothe yourself in humility. Will it be easy? No! But as you remain rooted in God and trusting His Word, His promises will become true for you.             

As I began my work life, I was eager to learn and that yearning was observed by the Deputy. She made me an assistant to another senior and the rest is history. I learnt quite a lot in that first year and continue to learn, even to this day. Psalm 115:14 (NKJV) says, The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children.” Declare this word over your life, like I did, and see God work in your life, as He did in mine.

I’m now married with children and I continue to see the declaration of the Word in my marriage and children. As you declare the Word of God and make demands on it, the promises of God will be realised. I’m living God’s future and hope for me according to Jeremiah 29:11. So, what are you believing today? Some negative word spoken over your life or the Word of God that is filled with power, truth, life, and promises?

Read: 1 King 5:12; 2 Peter 3:9Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 2; Matthew 2 :1-18; Genesis 2:18-25; Genesis 3; Genesis 4: 1-16

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