God’s Provision

“And my God shall supply all your need…” – Philippians 4:19 (NKJV)

Philippians showed how, even with their limited resources, they gave to Paul (Philippians 4:10-18). He described the gift of the Philippians as a sacrifice, reminding us of the Old Testament principles like Exodus 29:18 – a sweet-smelling aroma before God. 

Our giving to God’s work is like the Old Testament sacrifices, which cost the person bringing the sacrifice a lot. Regardless of the season you are in now, God will provide once we sacrifice. By no means are we exempt from suffering in this fallen world as believers, but be encouraged – we are just passing through this world.

Have you ever had a situation where you wondered how you would find the resources to complete a task or had a desire but did not know how you would fulfil it without the finances? Think of our Lord God as the Chief Giver – and if we want to be like Him, we need to be generous, too. As you give, God will generously supply all your needs. 

The promise is to supply all your needs. In this, the promise is both broad and yet restricted. According to Britannica Kids, ‘Needs are things that people require to survive. Food, water, clothing, and shelter are all needs. If a human body does not have those things, the body cannot function and will die.’ God is surely concerned about every aspect of your life, and these needs are no match for the King of Kings who has it all (Psalm 50:10-12).

Nothing is too difficult for God. We worry, we doubt, and we are scared, but all this occurs when we take our eyes off Him. When we don’t spend time in His Word and presence, we lose sight of who we serve and whose we are. For God’s goodness, I  am ever grateful. This year, I was scheduled for two surgeries; one was a major surgery, and of course, the surgeon highlighted all the possible scenarios that could occur. I went home, pondered, prayed, and cried for two weeks before deciding to go ahead. God reminded me He would never leave me. He would be with me through this process – “For with God nothing shall be impossible” – Luke 1:37 (KJV). Today, I’m grateful I’m in the land of the living. God showed up, and the surgery was a success. 

God is concerned about every aspect of your life, even if you think it is regular and mundane. He wants you to take everything to Him. Not only is He concerned about your finances, but also your mental, psychological, and physical needs. When He created the earth, He made provision for everything we will need in the present and future. He is an intentional God. Matthew 6:26-34 highlights how amazing He is and how much He cares. 

Be encouraged in every season and trust God expectantly; He will provide. Charles H. Spurgeon reiterated that God, who feeds crumbs to the birds, will surely remember His sons and daughters, His own offspring. 


God, today we thank You for being our Lord and Saviour and for dying on Calvary for our sins. We ask for Your forgiveness and thank You for the opportunity to learn to trust in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read: Isaiah 26:3; Hebrews 6:13

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 105:37-45; 2 Corinthians 8:16-24; 2 Corinthians 9:1-5; Isaiah 10:20-34; Isaiah 11; Isaiah 12; Isaiah 13

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  1. Jacqueline Dowlin

    In everything we give him thanks for being our provider. Solomon asked for wisdom all things are possible through wisdom. Asked and will be given seek you will find. I have proven God so many times in my life. He never leaves us nor forsaken us. He never see his children beg for bread. He is our everything. He is our director. He directed me how to build my own house. I was renting a house after my husband died for me and my children. He died and leaves nothing for us but my God supplied all of my need according to his richest in glory. So I can talk about the goodness of God. He is great and greatly to be praise. Glory hallelujah.

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