God’s Provision Comes in Various Forms

“But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” 

Philippians 4:19 (KJV)

Some years ago, my husband and I approached a lending institution for a loan to finance a project. The loan was approved, and the bank stipulated a repayment time period. We worked hard and trusted God to pay the installment on time every month. We desired to complete repaying before the time given, so we made it a matter of prayer and exercised our faith in God.

Years went by, and we did not see any miraculous move regarding the loan being paid off before time, but nevertheless, we kept on believing that it would happen. Then suddenly, approximately five years before the repayment deadline, the interest rate on the loan was reduced, causing the monthly instalment to decrease significantly. With this in mind, we continued diligently paying the same instalment we paid previously and thus completed repayment before the stipulated deadline.

Brothers and sisters, I shared this testimony of God’s provision so you would not feel discouraged when you pray and it seems as if God is not answering in the time or the way you want Him to, especially as it relates to His provision in your lives. When or how God will provide should not be the focus; we only need to have faith, knowing that God will come through at the right time (Psalm 34:10).

Today, if you have a need, bring your request to God in prayer and believe that He will come through for you at the appointed time in accordance with His will for your life. Be encouraged; God is with you, and He knows what is best for you (Matthew 6:33).

Read: Isaiah 41:10; Luke 12:24

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 106:40-48; 2 Corinthians 12:1-10; Isaiah 27; Isaiah 28

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