Grateful for the Opportunity to Give

Grateful for the Opportunity to Give

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NKJV)

The songwriter said, “What’s that you have in your hands, I can use it if you are willing to lose it”. The question for us today is, “Are we willing to give?” 

Most times when we hear the word ‘give’, we attach a monetary value to it and we conclude in our minds that we are not in a position to do so for varying reasons. However, if we think seriously about it, we will realise that we can give of our time, talent, and resources which are not limited to finances; in order for another human being to benefit. 

Every time we have the opportunity to give we must approach this important assignment prayerfully; asking the Lord what to give, how much to give, and for how long. When we take this approach to our giving we will please God with our actions, and as we continue to be a blessing to others, God our Father, and others will bless us in return – Luke 6:38. However we must not give so that we can get in return. Our motive for giving must always be to please God and also because we have a genuine heart to help others – to be a blessing. No one should have to force us to give, it must be of our own free will.

I am grateful and excited every time I get the opportunity to give. Today I encourage you to always be willing to do the same – give of your time, talent, and resources. This will benefit others and enhance and progress the work of the Lord. Serve!

Read: Proverbs 19:7; Romans 12:13; Hebrews 13:16

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 28:7-17; James 4; Ezekiel 38; Ezekiel 39

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