Grief Turned to Joy

“Then Hannah prayed and said: “My heart rejoices in the Lord; in the Lord my horn is lifted high…” – 1 Samuel 2:1 (NIV)

It was only fifteen miles, but for Hannah, every year the journey from Ramah to worship at the tabernacle in Shiloh, seemed longer. At home, Hannah found ways to avoid her husband’s second wife, but once in Shiloh there was no way of escaping her taunts.

Even Elkanah’s arm around her provided no shelter. How could Hannah make him understand that even the best of men could not erase a woman’s longing for children? His attempt to comfort her only sharpened the pain.

Inside the temple Hannah stood for a long time, weeping and praying. Her lips moved without making a sound as her heart poured out its grief to God. She requested of the Lord that He would look upon her misery, remember her, and give her a son. Her promise to God was to give the son to Him all the days of his life.

While pouring her hurt and sorrow to God she was accused by Eli, the priest of being drunk. Hannah defended herself by speaking the truth, claiming she was pouring out her soul to the Lord out of great anguish and grief.

Priest Eli, being satisfied with her explanation, blessed her saying, ‘…may the God of Israel grant your request.’ The request was granted and Hannah kept her promise. Eventually the boy Samuel grew up and became a prophet of God. His hands annointed both Saul and David as Israel’s first kings.

Like Sarah and Rachel, Hannah grieved over the children she couldn’t have. But unlike them, she took her anguish directly to God. Misunderstood by both her husband and her priest, she could easily have turned her sorrow on herself or others, becoming bitter, hopeless, or vindictive. Instead of pitying herself she poured out her soul to God and He graciously answered her prayer.

Are you seeking help from the right source? The only One truly capable of providing it? Just realise that only Jesus can answer all of life’s questions and truly provide the consolation and purpose in life you so desperately seek.

Hannah’s joy was in proclaiming God’s power and goodness and His habit of raising the lowly and humbling the proud. You can adopt same.

Read: Psalm 35:9; Romans 4:17

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 102:18-28; 1 Corinthians 16:5-24; 2 Chronicles 24; 2 Chronicles 25

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