He Came to Bring Peace

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” – John (14:27)

The world we live in has not known any lasting peace at any time. Even with Peace Accords and Peace Treaties being signed by contending nations, there is trouble on every side, and men’s hearts are failing them for fear (Luke 21:26)

“My peace,” Jesus says. Christ offers us His peace, which is far superior to that of man. When we embrace ‘His peace,’ we personally experience inner serenity and a calm assurance that all is well around us, our families, and our nations. The peace that ‘passes all understanding’ remains and abides with us forever. This peace will keep our hearts and minds ‘through Christ Jesus.’

“I give unto you,” He continues. When we celebrate events, we do so often by giving or receiving gifts. Christ gives us this gift of His lasting peace quietly and without fanfare. It comes with His active presence in our lives. When we receive Him, we receive His peace. We can have it no other way.

“Not as the world giveth,” The world cannot give peace. When there is no war or conflict, we say there is peace. But because of the nature of man, this peace does not last. Conflict soon arises. Lasting peace comes from the everlasting Father with whom there is no shadow of turning, no hint of change.  

Why, then, are our hearts troubled and afraid? Because we have not received the Word of God. The prince of this world (the devil) has blinded our eyes to the truth, and we cannot see “the glorious light of the Gospel of Christ …” that can deliver us from fear. But for this purpose, Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil. 

Are you willing to accept Him? Are you ready to trade our fears and doubts for the “Peace of God”?


Heavenly Father, we come today recognising that we can do nothing without You. We have no peace without You. Let Your presence, Your peace, so envelope our lives that those around us can see their need and surrender their lives to You. Our world needs You. Let them see their needs through our lives, we pray. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Read:  John 16:33; 2 Corinthians 4:3-4

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 145:14-21; Revelation 13; Ezra 7:11-28; Ezra 8:1-14

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