He is Faithful to His Promises

“Forever O Lord…Your faithfulness is to all generations.” – Psalm 119:89-90 (NKJV)

God is forever faithful to His promises. He is unchanging in His nature, true to His Word, and will keep His promises. How do we know this? Because His Word says it. “Faithful is He that calleth you, Who will also do it.” (1 Thessalonians 5:24 – KJV).

I call to mind the happy bride who confidently repeats her vows, “…for better, for worse, in sickness and in health,…” and the unthinkable happens. Her husband becomes ill and is unable to work.  She now must fend for her entire family.  There are many ‘worse’ days, but she goes to the Word of God, “Call to Me, and I will answer you…,” (Jeremiah 33:3). She calls on the name of the Lord, not once, not twice, but constantly, for He is rich in faithful love to all who call to Him. God will not forsake the righteous or cause their children to beg for bread. God faithfully provided for that woman who later established a successful cottage industry and employed several other women whose families could now live comfortably.

Only time can unfold the meaning of some experiences we encounter, but when we trust God, we will go through the difficulty and be stronger to help others. 

God does not change His mind. He remains trustworthy and will not let His children down. What He says in His Word, He means, and will keep His promises no matter how long it takes or unlikely it seems to us. God wants us to be like Him and keep our promises. We should be trustworthy in our relationships with people, keep our promises, and be faithful and diligent as we serve the Lord.

Let us prayer

Lord, You have been our dwelling place through all generations; therefore will we sing of Your mercies forever, and will with our mouths make known Your faithfulness. You alone are God from before time began until the end of time. We praise Your mighty name and give thanks for Your goodness that exceeds all things. Teach us Your ways and cause us to walk in truth and uprightness all our days. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read: Psalm 86:5; Psalm 90:1

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 19:1-6; Matthew 26:1-30; Exodus 1; Exodus 2; Exodus 3

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