He Keeps His Word

He Keeps His Word

Hebrews 10:23 (Amplified)

“Let us seize and hold tightly the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful to His Word” – Hebrews 10:23 (Amplified)

God is reliable and consistent in His goodness towards us. He is always faithful to His word. What He says, He means. His promises are sure. It may take some time, but He delivers, just as He promised.

Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born to keep him alive when orders were given for all male Hebrew infants to be slaughtered. They had faith that God would protect him from Pharaoh’s executioners because they sensed he was destined for something great. They could never have imagined how great. (Exodus 1-2).

Rahab was not a Hebrew, but she had heard of the God of the Hebrews who dried up the waters of the Red Sea so they could cross over on dry land and caused the Egyptians who attempted to follow to drown. She believed and hid the Hebrew spies when they came to spy out the land. Her family was delivered from certain death, and her desire to serve the God of the Hebrews was fulfilled. (Joshua 6).

Hannah went to God because she desperately wanted a son but could not conceive. She had faith that God would answer and never gave up. God heard her cry and blessed her with Samuel (1 Samuel 1)

As believers, we often fail to persevere in prayer. We become impatient and decide, like Abraham and Sarah, that God needs help, and we court disaster. Or that our request did not find favour with God. Or that we are better off without the thing we prayed for. Never become disillusioned and begin to lose the desire to serve God fervently. His plan cannot be derailed. He knows us and makes provision for our mistakes. Our choices can cause us pain, but God is faithful and will not give us more than we are able to bear.

Let us exercise our faith in God so that even when things do not turn out the way we expect, and troubles come, He will help us when we go to Him in prayer. Remember, He promises to be with us in trouble and never to leave us (Hebrews 13:5).


Father, we thank You that You are God. None is greater. You hold all things together, and there is nothing that You cannot do. Strengthen our faith and help us to believe the impossible because, with You, nothing shall be impossible. When we come to You, help us to believe in whatever we ask. We want to keep close to You so that our desires will match Your will for us. We thank You for answering our prayers, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Read: 1 Samuel 1:20; Psalm 91:15

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 119:129-136; Hebrews 1; Lamentations 3:40-66; Lamentations 4; Lamentations 5

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