Heaven Rejoices When We Witness

Heaven Rejoices When We Witness

Luke 9:1-2 (NKJV)

“Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority…He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” – Luke 9:1-2 (NKJV)

Acts 1:8 states categorically that we “shall be witnesses. A witness is someone who gives evidence or attests to an action of a fact or an event.

It takes courage to share your faith with someone you don’t know. Even in your neighbourhood, someone would have known you before you were saved, and thus, you become hesitant to share your new-found belief and conviction. Friends, when  Jesus called His disciples, He called them to be witnesses; nothing else – Luke 10:1-4 (NKJV).

As a witness today, we are to tell others about the love of Jesus Who died on Calvary’s cross for our sins, but most importantly, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit, our Helper. Being empowered by the Holy Spirit helps us to speak God’s words into the lives of the people we come in contact with. Even testifying about how we got saved and how God delivered us from the power of darkness will encourage the people we are witnessing to. We can even pray for them since prayer changes things.

To grow from strength to strength as a believer we must witness regularly and consistently; not only once. This draws us closer to God as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to do good. Participating in evangelism including, sharing tracts, interceding for lost souls, using our resources to support missions, etc., will surely help us fulfil this mandate and cause our names to be written in heaven (Luke 10:20 – NKJV)

There is joy in heaven when one sinner repents (Luke 15:7). As we make witnessing a priority, God Almighty will confirm His Word with the signs following our lives. God bless you. 

Read: Psalm 66:16; 1 Timothy 6:12
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 89:14-18; Romans 9:22-33; Romans 10:1-4; I Chronicles 1; I Chronicles 2:1-17

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