His Love

“But thou, oh Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious…” – Psalm 86:15 (KJV)

The Bible is replete with Scriptures that speak about God’s love and faithfulness towards us, His children. God isn’t just loving, but He is the very definition of love; His love is unconditional, and it endures forever (Psalm 100:5). God loved us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8), and even when we grow distant from Him or fall short, His love remains steadfast and unchanging (Lamentations 3:22-23).  

God’s love and faithfulness go hand in hand; in fact, faithfulness is an attribute of God’s character. According to Young’s Bible Dictionary, faithfulness connotes both trust and trustworthiness and may also refer to the reliability of God (Romans 3:3-4). God is always true to His Word and promises, and He never changes or fails. As with His love, God’s faithfulness is consistent and steadfast, and it gives us hope and security.

Looking back at our lives, we will all surely find evidence of God’s love and faithfulness along the way. This helped us not only get to know Him more intimately, but also to achieve our full potential in Him. 

His love and faithfulness is demonstrated in several ways:

  1. God is sovereign – He is in control of everything. Nothing happens without His knowledge or permission (Daniel 2:21; Jeremiah 10:23). While we are in awe of His power, it is comforting to know that this same God is also a loving Father to us, and always wants what is best for us!
  2. God is good – He is the epitome of goodness. Everything good comes from Him (James 1:17, Psalm 119:68). His compassion and grace (Exodus 34:6) and His kindness (Romans 2:4) are just a few examples of how His goodness is demonstrated towards us.
  3. God is always present (Matthew 28:20), in fact, His spirit lives in us (1 Corinthians 3:16).  We cannot escape His presence (Psalm 139:7); how comforting this is when we go through difficult situations. The knowledge that God is present can lift our spirits and boost our confidence that He will see us through.
  4. God is just – In Psalm 33:5 we see that God loves righteousness and justice, and Deuteronomy 32:4 declares that, “…all His ways are just…”. Because He is holy, God sets the standard, He determines right from wrong. It was Billy Graham who said that a God of love must be a God of justice, and that His justice balances His love and makes His acts of both love and justice meaningful.

Beloved, the foregoing gives us the assurance that God loves us with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3), and His faithfulness to us knows no bounds.  This is so comforting in the face of all the trials of life and difficult circumstances that we may encounter. Thank You for Your love, Lord. 

Read: Psalm 84:11; Luke 1:37Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 22:12-21; Mark 1:29-45; Mark 2:1-17; Exodus 19; Exodus 20


  1. Elaine

    Praise GOD for HIS love and faithfulness towards us. Hallelujah

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