Hope in God – Part 1

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning…” – Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV)

The Book of Lamentations is a collection of songs composed after the fall of the city of Jerusalem in 587/6 B.C., attributed to Jeremiah, the prophet. One can understand the laments when we consider that Jerusalem had fallen. Two generations prior, Jeremiah was called by God to warn the people of Jerusalem and Judea of the impending punishment if they did not repent. Jeremiah may have been about 20 years old when the Lord appointed him to deliver over and over again His warnings – BUT tucked in those awful prophecies God gives hope in the future for the Jews and Jeremiah. With God, there is always ‘hope for a future’ to build again and to plant again.

This is the God we are talking about today, the God of love and hope and faithfulness. As we reflect on Lamentations 3:22-23, know God’s love is steadfast, His love never fails. There was deep sorrow and affliction of the soul. Jeremiah was in deep anguish over the wounding of the people of Jerusalem. However, there is a pivot to the hope and love of our Lord. The mercies of God are new every morning; they are refreshing to the soul. 

Amid the uncertainty of our world, the stock market, the prices of daily goods and services, wars, and rumuors of wars, we can look to the future and recall how God kept us and is keeping us. Jeremiah looked to the future and to the God who never leaves nor forsakes, and he became hopeful. If God’s love had failed, they would have been consumed. However, there was a remnant, and with a remnant, there is life, and with life, there is hope. The vital word in this verse is ḥeseḏ (‘great love’ [mercies]), the covenant love and loyalty of the Lord that leads to rahamim (‘compassion,’ ‘mercy’), derived from reḥem (‘womb’).” This is where Jeremiah received his comfort, and today, we, too, can be comforted by God’s covenant love toward us. 


Lord, I thank You for Your steadfast love and new mercies toward me. I pray that Your love will permeate my life so others will also feel Your compassion. Help me be a conduit of Your love and hope in our world. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Further Reading: Lamentations 3:25-26; 1 John 4:9-10

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 18:16-24; Matthew 22:15-46; Job 30; Job 31; Job 32

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