I Am Survivour – Part 1

–  Pastor Cannings: A woman of faith like a mustard seed

By Imani McKenzie

There are instances when the sheer gravity of a test can give us pause and cause us to look fervently to the Saviour. Scripture advises well that it is best not to lean on our mortal understanding. Faith in God is always the best guide; and our Saviour is the ultimate sustainer.

There are many who have lost their battles with breast cancer, but against this grim backdrop, First Assembly of God Wortmanville Church pauses to celebrate one of its own warriors, Pastor Lorraine Cannings, who battled this formidable foe to victory. Breast cancer, as indicated by statistics, is a formidable adversary.  According to the World Health Organization, it is the most common cancer globally as of 2021, claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of women. Pastor Cannings’ remission story is therefore a testament to God’s healing power and serves as a  beacon of hope to anyone believing in God for a healing miracle. 


Pastor Cannings (seated centre) enjoying fellowship

In June 2020, Assistant Pastor Loraine Cannings was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. It started with the detection of an odd lump in her breast during a self-examination. After brushing it off for a few months, she told her general physician about the lump she had discovered in her right breast. Following a comprehensive examination and subsequent screenings, a stage 4 malignant tumor (Cancer) was confirmed, much to Pastor Cannings’ despair.

 The First Emotion

Pastor Cannings shared the results with her daughter after leaving the doctor’s office, and recalls there was an explosion of emotions as they both sobbed inconsolably. In this seemingly hopeless moment, however, she thought of a place that she knew could bring her comfort and requested to stop by her church on the way home. There, she met Elder Angela Massiah, who encouraged her to persevere despite her adversity and serve as a living testimony. At the church office,  her colleagues anointed and prayed with her. This initial outpouring of support was a tremendous blessing, and Pastor Cannings is grateful that she understood, “no man is an island”.  She is eternally grateful to and for her network of friends and family, especially her grandchild and children, who always made her feel comfortable. She reflected on her grandson holding her as she sobbed; her daughter driving her to appointments and making sure she was the first person on the appointment list, earning her the nickname “First Lady” at the clinic; the Senior Bishop and his family, checking in with her at every opportunity; her work colleagues and Minister Ingrid Bristol and her husband’s support.  She felt loved and cherished, never deserted.

 The Journey

Her course of treatment included a mastectomy, followed by chemotherapy and radiation.  Speaking candidly Pastor Cannings disclosed that her postoperative treatment included consecutive weeks of draining fluids from the breast with a needle and syringe – a procedure known as breast cyst aspiration. And while this course of treatment was yet ongoing, her oncologist ordered the start of chemotherapy. 

Pastor Cannings was told she needed a blood transfusion in order to begin chemo treatment since a low platelet count during chemo can have adverse effects on the patient. Out of caution, she refused the transfusion and chose instead to trust God for wisdom to treat her anemia through diet and natural remedies. The doctors gave her two weeks to improve her blood naturally, but she did so in just one week.

Chemo was terrible. Pastor Cannings said she experienced all of the side effects of the treatment including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite, depression, mood changes, dry mouth, and a host of other symptoms. But the treatment was working. The CT scan after her first four sessions showed good results, and after her last four chemotherapy sessions, she was approved for radiation treatment, a total of thirty-five (35) sessions. With that journey now behind her, she is in remission – blissfully cancer, pain, and ache-free. 

 Hiding Place

It is difficult to wrap one’s mind around the concept of fighting a known killer; one that wages war not only on the body but also ravages the mind. But Pastor Cannings remained resolute in her faith by attending church. Being present in the Lord’s house kept her spirit up as she underwent treatment. “I have peace at home,” she added, “but there is an anointing and a presence in this place that makes you feel utterly at ease with the Lord.” She enjoyed and made good use of the sanctuary, which she described as having an “abiding presence” from the time she steps inside. “I never placed the ailment above God,” she said. Faith conquered fear. Pastor Cannings’ great faith in the Lord overcame her fear of the treatment, its side effects, and the possibility of death. Her faith in God, she added, kept her going at the moments when she felt so weak after treatment. She has been graced with everything from financial assistance and a solid support system to the assurance that the Lord is in charge of every medical procedure she has had since the diagnosis.

A Living Testimony

“The Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword,” said Pastor Cannings. She claims that it is simple to declare faith in the Bible at first, but it is only when “your back is against the wall” that you really understand why you should. She expressed that she put God to the test during the period, and He provided on all levels – mentally, spiritually, and physically. She now has the chance to witness that God is, in fact, the God of all time, the God of all things, and the God who acts just in time. 

With this new lease on life, Pastor Cannings takes nothing for granted. She lives in the moment, utterly grateful for the grace of God. She lives intentionally and makes an effort to take care of the temple of the Holy Spirit – her body. She embraces a healthier lifestyle, including diet and exercise. 

 Be Encouraged

Pastor Cannings (2nd left) at a recent celebration.

Pastor Cannings’s encouragement to anyone who has received a dreadful diagnosis as she did is simple, yet very powerful. “Once you have the faith to believe in God for a miracle, you must trust Him to heal you.” Furthermore, she emphasised the need to see God’s miraculous power at work inside oneself in order to achieve a healing faith. Before the procedure, Pastor Cannings prayed for her health and recovery, confident that she would be able to wake up and continue to honour God. She believes without a doubt that she is now cancer-free as a result of her faith in God, and has a CT scan to prove it. Out of a heart filled with gratitude, she is using her life to exemplify God’s faithfulness. Her church community wishes her the continued favour of God to live an amazing life of great health, strength and inspiration. You are loved, Pastor Cannings.


  1. Robin PROFITT

    Blessings to God’s faithful servant
    The song says
    He’ll do it again and again.
    Look where you are now, to where you have been.
    I rejoice with you Pastor Cannings
    And the church family.
    Thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph. God bless you richly Pastor. Live life to its fullest.

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