I Have Loved You!

“The Lord appeared to us…saying: ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love…” 

Jeremiah 31:3 (NIV)

The statement, “I have loved you,” speaks of a love that has always been and will always be. 

When God told the people of Israel that He had loved them, He wasn’t referring to a fleeting feeling or a conditional affection. His love was not based on their behaviour, nor was it limited to a specific moment in time. He loved them then, He loves them now, and His love will endure forever. This love has transcended generations, circumstances, and time itself. God’s love is unwavering, faithful, and steadfast. His message to Israel was one of deep assurance — anchored in eternity past and extending into eternity future. It was, and remains, an everlasting love.

In our world today, love is often tied to circumstances. It flourishes when things are easy and when people see eye to eye. But when difficulties arise — when weaknesses, mistakes, or hardships emerge — love sometimes fades. Relationships, especially marriages, can struggle under the weight of life’s challenges. Statistics show that second and third marriages face even higher rates of dissolution than first ones, reminding us that simply moving on does not always lead to lasting fulfillment. The kind of love that endures is the love that forgives, remains steadfast, and chooses to stay.

God demonstrated this steadfast love to Israel (and us), yet some believe that His everlasting love has ceased. God, however, always honours His Word (1 John 4:16). Charles Spurgeon once said that to grasp the depth of God’s love, we must go beyond our birth, beyond Calvary and Bethlehem, beyond even the fall of man and the Garden of Eden. We must dare to believe that we were loved and chosen in Christ before time began, held in the heart of God with the deepest care and compassion.

Today, take comfort in God’s love for you. While our choices have consequences, His mercy is always ready to embrace us when we turn back to Him. He is still speaking to us, saying, “I have loved you.”

Father, thank You for the unshakable love You have shown me. Help me to reflect that love to others, especially to those who need You most. May Your love shine through me and draw them closer to You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Read: 1 Chronicles 16:34; 1 John 4:19

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 19:7-14; Matthew 26:47-68; Exodus 6:13-30; Exodus 7; Exodus 8

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