I Neglected One – Third of Me – Part 1

I Neglected One – Third of Me – Part 1

1 Timothy 4:14 (HCSB)

“Do not neglect the gift that is in you; it was given to you through prophecy, with the laying on of hands by the council of elders.” – 1 Timothy 4:14 (HCSB)

It all occurred at a time when New Year’s resolutions are made for the future. At a time when marketing strategies are geared to persuade customers to spend all of their bonus on furniture and household appliances. Or on ham and pepperpot and resort to a vegetarian lifestyle from January to November. I am sure you are familiar with that time and season. 

As soon as the fireworks dwindled and before the taking down of Christmas decorations, guess what? I received the least heartwarming welcome to 2022; Covid-19. This virus greeted me with a high fever, heavy coughing, severe body pain, and even laboured breathing. I literally felt as though I was going to die but to tell you the truth, deep down within me I still had some hope that said to me, this is not your time, you still have some unfinished work. Today, I’m penning this encouragement.

It is true, Covid-19 was looking forward to meeting me. To this virus, I was the perfect candidate. At the time of our introduction, I had minimal to no immune defence since my blood count was very low and my body was severely undernourished. You may ask, but how did you find yourself in this predicament? My response is gradual neglect of the body. I failed to take good care of myself. 

Before this experience, I was very indisciplined with regard to my physical health in every conceivable way. I seldomly did the recommended yearly medical checkup, I often left approximately one-third of my supplements to expire, and in some cases, routinely skipped breakfast like many of our young people do. But remember,  man is a tripartite being, meaning, man is a spirit with a soul housed in a body – 1 Thessalonians 5:23 (NKJV). Thus, if we abuse our bodies, we may not exist on earth for any length of time. 

Friends, our healthy and fit body plays a crucial part in fulfilling God’s purpose here on earth. So, as believers, let’s not only focus on the health and wellness of our spirit and soul and neglect the health of the body. It may seem an impossible task but with God’s help, it is achievable – Philippians 4:13 (NKJV).

Read: Jeremiah 17:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Philippians 4:13

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 119:41-48; 1 Timothy 1; Jeremiah 32:26-44; Jeremiah 33; Jeremiah 34

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