I Will Look to Him

I Will Look to Him

Psalm 121:1-2 (KJV)

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.” – Psalm 121:1-2 (KJV)

The above Scripture depicts the resolve of the pilgrims who journeyed to Jerusalem to keep the feasts unto God, as was commanded by Him. 

In our pilgrimage journey of life, as we aim towards developing a closer relationship with God, we are bombarded by so many things vying for our attention. These distractions often present themselves as authentic reasons for us to follow the direction in which they point us. For some, it is our family, the business or job, studies, finances, and the list goes on.  

It must be noted that the pilgrims whose journey began at the Red Sea had to cover three thousand, eight hundred and thirty-eight feet of rough mountainous terrain to get to the destination to celebrate the feasts. It is also likely that they had to make their ascent through harsh weather patterns and unfavourable circumstances. This tells me that the decision to follow God’s instructions and to fully obey His leading can be an arduous task. 

As you read, you may be able to identify people who are demanding your attention, by saying to you, “Make me your number one priority, after all, I am your family.” Additionally, your job may be screaming, “Give me your undivided attention because without me you cannot make any money to feed your family.” Or it may be your academics that are shouting, “Put me first and I will give you your degree.” 

I write this devotional to caution you that I had taken my eyes off of Jesus and I fell prey to the enemy’s deceit. My troubles were so severe that I almost lost my mind.  Trust me when I tell you, the only way out was to look to Jesus. 

Today, if you are in need of help, regardless of how infinitesimal or enormous your problems may be, I point you to Jesus. He will help you along life’s journey. 

Read: Exodus 34:14; Isaiah 45:22
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 89:30-37; Romans 11:33-36; Romans 12; I Chronicles 6


  1. Angulie

    Such a timely admonition at this time. It’s not strange to walk from the mountain top into a valley. The difference, God is with us.

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