I’m Grateful I’m a Part of the Family of God – Part 1

Praise the Lord, all nations! Glorify Him, all peoples! – Psalm 117:1 (HCSB)

We all have the liberty to thank God for His love, grace and mercy, as we serve in His Kingdom. Acts 17:26 records, “And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings” (NKJV).

The problem of racism is prevalent worldwide. Every child of God must glean guidance from our ‘Manual for Living’ (Bible) and seek to live righteously since obedience brings blessing. Remember, God loves variety and it’s a blessing to see people through the eyes of Jesus. Learn to celebrate our differences.

Jesus understands this disease of racism that has affected the home, community, workplace, and the world. He lived on earth when the Jews and Samaritans never related to each other. He broke this tradition at a well in Samaria. He taught His disciples to embrace the principle of showing love for all people. He showed them how to live differently from the dictates of the world – John 4:1-27 (HCSB). Jesus knows that it’s not easy but possible to obey the will of God with the help of the Holy Spirit, thus His prayer for us to be one – John 17: 20-24. All believers, refer to those from all ethnicities and cultures.


We crave Your blessings today, God. We ask for Your forgiveness for the many times we have failed to honour Your Word. Forgive us for thinking of ourselves more highly than others, for uttering words that hurt others, for displaying actions that did not bring glory to Your name. Lord, help us to love all peoples of this world as we love ourselves. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read: John 17: 20-24; Psalm 117:1-3

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 28:18-28; 1 Peter 3; Ezekiel 45; Ezekiel 46


  1. Marcia Granville

    I’m grateful to God for Bishop Massiah. .For His Love and compassion. He is indeed a good Father and I love and appreciate.

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