In the Life of a Disciple

“Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 11:1 (KJV) 

In the above Scripture, Apostle Paul is encouraging all to join him in becoming a witness for Christ. However, key integral parts must be present in the lifestyle of those willing to become disciples, as this is equally important for winning others to the kingdom of God.

The lifestyle of a disciple, therefore, must have these attributes evident:

  1. The Spirit of obedience unto God and those in authority to ensure God’s plans and will are accomplished.
  2. Demonstrated loyalty and commitment unto God, so in times of difficulty, we will not waiver but remain faithful to the One who called us.
  3. Understanding that humility should always be our foundation in labouring in God’s vineyard. This is key.
  4. Displays of love, care, and empathy for others. These are great treasures and powerful tools for a disciple to help reach the individual who is feeling unworthy and hopeless.

As disciples, we are to encourage believers to live in accordance with Christ’s teachings, follow spiritual leaders who exemplify Christ-like behaviour, and promote unity and growth within the church by following God’s precepts.

Brethren, allow God to mold us and cause these precious qualities to radiate in our lives. 

Read: Luke 14:27; John 15:8

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 35:19-28; Luke 3:1-22; Numbers 9:15-23; Numbers 10; Numbers 11:1-3

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