In Who Do You Trust?

“Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him…” – Job 13:15 (KJV)

Are you one who trusts in chariots and horses? I pray not! In Proverbs 3:5-6, God’s Word encourages us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths”. God wants us to trust only in Him, and He wants us to do so with all our being (body, soul, and spirit).

How can you do this? How is it possible to trust someone you cannot see? This happens when you confess your sins and accept Jesus Christ as the son of God and your Saviour.  It is at this point that you would receive the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9), where the Holy Spirit will begin communing with your spirit. While He is living in you, He speaks to you, but you will have to learn to hear and recognise His voice. You might ask, ‘How can I hear the Holy Spirit speaking to me?’ By reading God’s Word (the Holy Bible) and spending time in prayers daily with Him.

As you grow in Christ, you would enjoy His blessings which will bring you His righteousness, peace, joy, and so much more. I remember as a young Christian, I was so sure that I was living an upright life, and as such, I was in the right standing with God. I was therefore bound to be blessed with all good things. I eventually got married, and all was well for a few years. 

Then the trials started. I could not understand what was happening in my life. I lived in an upright manner, so why was God allowing this to happen to me? Why didn’t He warn me? Why didn’t He show me all these things before? I had so many questions for God. I honestly believed that because I did ‘good’, I would be spared these issues. Over time I did some introspection and asked myself, ‘Did I seek guidance from God as I chose my partner?’ ‘Had I prayed about the matter and waited for an answer?’

I knew the answers to those questions, so I eventually humbled myself, asked for forgiveness, and sought God’s help going forward. He did help me through those difficult seasons in my life, and now I am enjoying His peace and joy, even as I am learning daily to trust Him more. 

Is everything perfect in my life now? No! Not all. But because I learnt to trust Jesus daily, my life is less burdensome. He is helping me. As He did it for me, He can do it for you. Try trusting Him one day at a time, and see Him come through for you. Remember, He promised to never leave nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6).

Trust and obey Him. 

Read: Proverbs 4:7; Romans 8:38-39Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 17:5-14; Romans 2:17-29; Romans 3:1-8; Amos 1; Amos 2

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