-“Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion” (Gen 1:28, NKJV)
-“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned?” (Matt 5:13, NKJV)

Dr. Fitzroy Tyrrell is a Guyanese serving in the diaspora with a powerful ministry focused on the believers’ role as change agents for Kingdom influence. We caught up with him for a tête à tête on his ministry beyond the shores of Guyana.
Humble Beginnings in Georgetown
To capture his journey, Dr. Tyrrell first reflected on his childhood centred around the struggles of the typical single parent home in the Caribbean. He is as proud of achieving a Doctorate Degree and the opportunity to serve at UWI Open Campus, as he is to tell of his two failed attempts at the CXC exams and his resolve to succeed.
We discussed the curiosity of people about his upbringing, who would ask whether he would change anything in hindsight. Yet the question seems unfair, given the many hurdles overcome by the move of God in his life and family. “God is Alpha and Omega. He knew me before I was formed in my mother’s womb, and I am still discovering things from my childhood that have impacted the man I am today,” he chirped.
He wonders about things like what his mother would have done with her monthly income as they always seemed to be lacking even basic resources such as food and a fixed place to call home. His mother becomes the protagonist as he takes us through his early years with limited financial resources, the move from location to location in the city depending on circumstances and the celebration of his siblings (all girls) when he secured a place at East Ruimveldt Secondary School.
The journey from Kitty to East Ruimveldt (then referred to as ‘back’ school) was not easy as the school had a reputation that did not give hope of a productive future. This period of his life was dotted with household chores, early morning risings and threats of discipline from a mother who proudly served in the Guyana National Service (GNS). He was not a highflyer in school but was gifted with a love for writing short stories and plays which rivalled his love for cricket. This blossomed into him playing a critical role in the Guyana theatre scene for many years alongside other theatrical personalities such as Ronald Hollingsworth.
At another point he recalls his three sisters all leaving the home for various reasons as he stayed with “mommy.” As a single parent mother, they continued to struggle and overcome. He found his way to school over 5km, powered by his ‘2-speed transport’ (his two legs) or horse drawn carts from Pike Street, Kitty to East Ruimveldt. He saw abuse and was once allowed to live at the GNS compound in Sophia out of the kindness of Brigadier Joe Singh. This period saw him participating in drills alongside general recruits in the early morning and his caution to avoid the discovery of his unusual ‘home address’ by friends.
Dr. Tyrrell is still amazed at how far God has brought him, from teaching drama at the Queenstown Community High to graduating from the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE), following a teacher’s upgrade program. This is where he met two stalwarts in education we now fondly know as Rev. Dr. Marcel Hutson and Eld. Deborah Hutson. He recalls his hunger for learning and the things of God, securing best student award in both years at CPCE as well as leading the Bible Club, a role he took over from another First Assembly of God Wortmanville stalwart, Rev. Winston Assanah, who was leaving for further studies.
There seemed to be another story brewing when he was asked about the age at which he gave his heart to Jesus. His response on being saved at the tender age of twelve – led by a friend to the Ebenezer Full Gospel Church, Delph Street Campbellville – gives a hint as to the drive behind his passion for youth and evangelism.
Ministry in the Twin-island Republic
He cuts an unusual pastoral profile with a bi-vocational ministry, serving in the twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago. He serves as Senior Pastor of Pentecostal Lighthouse Tabernacle in San Juan, Trinidad and is also well known for his lectures at the University of the West Indies Open Campus, the T&T National Security Training Academy and the Cipriani College of Labour (bi-vocational indeed!). Dr. Tyrrell reflected on how he has used his dual role to become a change agent with access to campuses, faculties, corporations and the international community.
He explains that “… pastors today are bi-vocational, either to supplement their income in the face of limited financial resources of the ministry and/or to deploy additional giftings for influencing the world.” He immediately capped this by decrying the fact that many people focus on God’s ‘purpose’ for their life and end there. “We need to move to the next stage which is ‘influencing’ for the Kingdom,” he said. His message to persons in academia, business, professional careers or other industries such as the creative and performing art industry – another one of his passions – is to use your giftings and harness God’s purpose to become change agents. Dr Tyrrell finishes this segment with a smile. “God is giving us an opportunity to influence. He demands this of us.”
…many people focus on God’s ‘purpose’ for their life and end there. “We need to move to the next stage, of influencing for the Kingdom.”- Dr. Fitzroy Tyrrell
The Call from Itinerant Preacher to Pastoring the Flock
We were curious about his provocative topics when engaging youths on issues such as “cancel culture” and “Is God a monstrous moral agent?”, so we probed about his journey to San Juan.
Dr. Tyrrell smiles as he recalls journeying to Trinidad in 2005 alongside his lovely wife Dr. Jianna. She was about to pursue PhD studies in medicine at the University of the West Indies (UWI) and ‘Chiney girl’, as he often refers to her playfully, would remain at his side no matter the location.
Dr. Fitzroy Tyrrell and wife Dr. Jianna Tyrell have been married for twenty-two years. She serves as a medical doctor specialising in obstetrics and gynaecology. They have two sons Dominic and Delroy. Dominic is a final year university student majoring in French language and an international powerlifter competitor while Delroy combines study with swimming at the international level.
On arrival in Trinidad, he fellowshipped under Prophet Turnel Nelson at Woodbrook Pentecostal for nine years before being approached to serve as Assistant Pastor at another Pentecostal Assembly of the West Indies (PAWI) church. PAWI is the sister organisation to the Assemblies of God (AOG). This apprenticeship role was unheard of in the PAWI organisational structure, but provided the mentorship in ministry and church administration that would position him for the next move of God. This was a shift for someone who referred to himself as an itinerant pastor, one who was more used to ministering and evangelising on invitation by various local churches during his years in Guyana. The opportunity of being mentored led him to the doors of Pentecostal Lighthouse Tabernacle, San Juan where Dr. Tyrrell has been pastoring for the past two and a half years. “The grace of God led me to the Senior Pastor role, as the vacancy requirements exempted me but for a clause allowing five years as an Assistant Pastor,” he said. This modern day experience shows us how God will qualify the ‘called’ as it was with Moses and other accounts in the Bible.
Dare to Dream
We wrapped up the interview with Dr. Tyrrell, sensing his passion for Kingdom citizens to understand the marketplace in which we operate. “The outside (the world) needs us (our Kingdom influence as Christians) more than the inside,” he opined. “Youths must understand that education is a vehicle for impact and not an end in itself. When choosing a career or entrepreneurial path, we must explain to our children that your job determines your salary, but your faith determines your income!”
“… your job determines your salary, but your faith determines your income!” Dr. Fitzroy Tyrrell
In his parting nuggets, he highlights the mindset of Mary and Paul who asked God “What would Thou have me do?” Another example of Mary, demonstrated a parent’s understanding of purpose (John 2:5 NKJV) when she told the wedding guests “…whatever He says to you, do it.” In typical Tyrrell style, he now jokes that Nike got their slogan from scripture (‘just do it’). Jesus also understood His purpose in the declaration to the disciples that “His hour had not yet come” (John 2:4 and John 7:6). The message to our upcoming FAOGW Celebration Day Awardees was to “dare to dream and God will present an opportunity. You will influence the ends of the earth in education, health, science, engineering and further afield, when you prove the formula: Opportunity + Preparation = Purpose (or Destiny).”
Dr. Tyrell, husband, father, pastor, lecturer and motivational speaker, is reminding us that we are called to not only discover our purpose, but to change the situation in our sphere – we are called to influence!