Iniquities of the Forefathers – Part 2

Iniquities of the Forefathers – Part 2

Leviticus 20:6 – NKJV

‘And the persons who turns to mediums and familiar spirits, to prostitute himself with them, I will set My face against that person and cut him off from his people.’

Leviticus 20:6 – NKJV

Some of our fore-parents consulted mediums such as tarot and psychic readers, fortune tellers, witch doctors, clairvoyants, séances, soothsayers, and spiritualists to gain knowledge of the future. This unholy practice has consequential curses that transcend generations. As a matter of course, if the future is predicted as bleak by the satanic seers, the visitors are required to be involved in some kind of diabolical rituals with a promise to avert the alleged impending crisis. This deception leads to demonic possessions and the mortgage and enslavement of the souls of mankind and their offspring.

Pastor Joseph Kansema, author of the book, ‘Dominion over Satan and his Demons’, in highlighting the African experience, stated, “Parents can open a door for demons to enter into their child by dedicating their children to their ancestors. They go into the graveyard and sacrifice to the dead so that the baby can be received into the family of their ancestors. The truth is that the child is not dedicated to the ancestors but to familiar spirits”. He further explained, “Familiar spirits are demonic spirits that possess knowledge of the family history. It should be known that dead people will never come back and communicate with us. Dedication is God’s principle. If a child is dedicated to God, God will receive him, and if he is dedicated to the devil, the devil will also receive him”.

Beloved, the main goal of Satan is to destroy man, the creation that God loves dearly – John 3:16 demonstrates this. Satan knows that he can neither fight God nor challenge Him directly. To fight God, he attacks and tries to destroy man, who is God’s image. The devil knows that the Family is an institution created by God since families collectively form neighbourhoods, townships, villages, and nations. The imposition of generational curses by Satan and his emissaries on families is strategically designed to control nations and the world as a whole. Thus, we need to break those generational curses operating in our unsaved families and other families in our sphere of influence. Let’s make it right with the Holy Spirit.


Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that if generational curses in our families are not broken it can derail our future and that of our family. We repent of our sins and the sins of our fore-parents who knowingly or have been duped into dabbling in iniquity, consequently opening the portal for the diabolical operations of demonic spirits.  

In the mighty name of Jesus, we break every evil covenant, destroy every generational curse, and pull down every stronghold of the enemy with the consuming fire of the Holy Ghost!

We thank You for breaking generational curses over our families and derailing the plans and purposes of hell arrayed against the future of Your people. In Jesus’s name, Amen!

Read: Leviticus 19:31; 1 Samuel 1:11; Leviticus 26:40-42

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 16:8-17; Acts 22:22-30; Acts 23:1-11; 2 Kings 6:24-33; 2 Kings 7; 2 Kings 8:1-15

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