Jabez’ Prayer 

“Now Jabez was more honourable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, because I bore him in pain.” – 1 Chronicles 4:9 (NKJV)

Who was Jabez? There is no introduction. His name appears suddenly in the genealogy of Judah, Israel’s fourth son. What we first read was that the name Jabez was given to a young child by his mother because, she said, “I bore him in pain”. Imagine calling your child by the name ‘Pain’. The circumstances of his birth must have been difficult, and his mother was an extremely unhappy woman. She perhaps gave him a name that matched her emotions at the time of his birth.

Most women are joyful at the expected birth of a new child and approach that time with great anticipation and excitement. Great care is taken that everything is ready to welcome this bundle of joy, and although she is in anguish during labour, she forgets the pain and rejoices as soon as the child is born. Not so with this mother. Whatever caused her sorrow led her to name the child accordingly. 

Jabez could have lived up to his name, interpreted as ‘pain’ or ‘sorrow’ since his life began in an environment hostile to healthy growth and development. But he made a decision to change that. “Now Jabez was more honourable than his brothers …” verse 9 says. How is it that a child given a distressing name could be more honourable than those around him? What could have happened to change his circumstances? What could have caused him to seek blessings rather than pain? 

He had an encounter with God. An encounter with God changes our perspective and gives us a new lease on life. An encounter with God transforms our way of thinking and opens new and unimaginable possibilities. An encounter with God provides a way out of pain and sorrow and gives us the boldness to ask what we will. An encounter with God sets us on a path to abundant blessings.

How often do we or others we know experience unfavourable health, relationship, financial or other situations? How have we overcome them? Jabez called on the God of Israel and made his request known. Why not do likewise? 


Heavenly Father, we thank You that You made the earth and created man for it. We are Your children and joint heirs with Christ. No good thing will You withhold from us if we walk uprightly. We ask now, like Jabez, that You bless us with all the blessings of heaven, in Jesus’s name, Amen.

Read: Psalm 37:3-4; Matthew 7:7-8

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 14:15-24; Acts 5:12-42; 2 Samuel 14; 2  Samuel 15:1-12

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