Jesus Blesses Little Children

Jesus Blesses Little Children

Matthew 19:13 (NKJV)

“Then little children were brought to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them and pray for them.” – Matthew 19:13 (NKJV)

People brought their little children to Jesus so He could place His hands on them and pray for them. The disciples tried to stop them. They either thought that Jesus was too busy or the children were not important enough to interrupt His schedule. Psalm 127:3 (NLT) says, “Children are a gift of the Lord…”. This is pictured clearly in the Bible when Esau asked Jacob about the children that were with him. He said, “…These are the children God has graciously given to me…” (Genesis 33:5 – NLT).  

Sadly, the world has not always treated children as gifts. But praise the Lord; it is different within the family of God. The Old Testament law is filled with commands to protect the helpless, orphans, and widows (Exodus 22:22). God’s people have always sought to protect and help children. 

James 1:27 describes “true and genuine religion” much differently than many people in our culture. It is the act of looking after orphans and widows while God Himself is their Protector. James instructs us to follow His example. Additionally, Deuteronomy 10:18 reminds us that God “administers justice” for the fatherless and widows.

God wants parents to teach their children about Him and to leave His wisdom as an inheritance (Deuteronomy 6:6-9). He specifically commanded the Israelites to teach their children all He had done for them. He wanted the future generations to have the greatest inheritance of godly wisdom! When parents fail in this crucial assignment, society quickly declines.

Simon Peter was an experienced man. He had sinned much and had been forgiven much, and now he was brought, in tender humility, to confess the love and loveliness of Jesus (John 21:15-19). We need experienced men and women to talk to converted children and to tell them what the Lord has done for them – how He brought them from dangers, sin, and sorrows and now comforts them.

Friends, when the Lord calls a man to service, He prepares him for it. Let’s continue to be good mentors, full of affectionate zeal for the good of our beloved ones!


Lord, we praise and bless Your holy name. You’re in full control of all things. Continue to protect and keep our children healthy and safe in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Read: Psalm 84:11; Acts 16:31

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 60:1-4; John 7:45-53; John 8:1-11; Judges 16; Judges 17

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