Jesus’ Blood is the Remedy

“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with his stripes we are healed”

Isaiah 53:5 (KJV)

Jesus shed His blood for the atonement of the sins of all humanity. Myer Pearlman, author of ‘Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible’, alluded to Hebrews 9:15, which suggests that the old covenant was powerless to provide a perfect redemption. Christ closed this covenant and opened The New Covenant with His death, which accomplished the redemptions of the transgression that were under the first testament. 

Myers further stated that when God justified Old Testament believers, He did so in anticipation of Christ’s work on credit: Christ paid the full price on the cross and wiped out the debt. Continuing, he highlighted the fact that God gave Old Testament Saints a standing which the Old Covenant could not purchase and did so in view of a coming covenant that could affect this.

Beloved, be cognizant of the fact that the Old Testament believers during their lifetime could not enjoy the same benefits as those living under the New Testament since there was no permanent gift of the Holy Spirit (John 7:39) to follow their repentance and faith. They did not enjoy the full truth of immortality brought to light by Christ (2 Timothy 1:10), and in general, they were limited by the imperfection of the dispensation in which they lived. At best, they had but a foretaste of good things to come.

The redemptive blood of Jesus is the remedy for lost souls, healing of physical and spiritual infirmities, and can be used as an effective weapon of defence against the wiles of the devil. Saints of God, The blood of Jesus makes us a candidate for the infilling of the Holy Spirit, which we need to fortify our salvation and guard our testimonies. It is the Holy Spirit that is both Christ’s successor and also His Presence. The sending of the Comforter does not mean that Jesus has abdicated His responsibilities to be the Helper and Advocate of His people. 1 John 2:1 informs that He still fulfills that office.

Friends, it is the Holy Spirit who ignites or sets afire the ‘five-fold Ministry’ (Ephesians 4:11) that is embedded in the treasures of our earthly vessels. It is also the Spirit of God who mortifies our flesh and, over time, cleanses and sanctifies us from our fleshly sinful desires. The process of regeneration commences with the acknowledgement of the redemptive work of Christ and accepting Him as your Lord and Saviour. Following the confession of your faith in Jesus Christ, every convert can be baptised by water and the presence of The Holy Spirit. Jesus’ blood is the remedy for the issues of life.

Read: John 6:53; Ephesians 2:13

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 99; I Corinthians 12:1-26; Song of Solomon 1; Song of Solomon 2; Song of Solomon 3; Song of Solomon 4

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