Jesus Christ Our Deliverer – Part II

2 Samuel 22:2 (He said: “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;) NIV

Christ, who delivered Daniel from the lion’s den, David from his pursuers, and the Israelites from the nation of Egypt, promises to deliver us from whatever schemes the world has set against us. When we call upon the Lord our God, He works in mighty, mysterious, and perfect ways. He is effortlessly able to do any and every work it takes to deliver us. 

I remember like it was yesterday, the phone rang. I answered with my usual excitement because it was my very good friend on the other end of the line. He asked me to come to his office. Hurriedly I left and met him as requested. With a puzzled face, he handed me a letter to read. I read the contents over and over, trying to understand the reasons for such a letter and why an institution would treat a hardworking, loyal and committed employee in such a callous manner. With almost eight months to retirement, my good friend’s services were terminated from a job that he loved and served for almost thirty-three years.

Oh! The pain, the awkwardness and the devastation I felt for him. But in all of this, my friend never lost faith in his God. This was his greatest test yet, to prove that Christ is the Deliverer. 

Several months later my friend received a call from the very institution, under different management, inviting him to return in the same capacity, with all of his benefits attached. The Deliverer, Jesus Christ, delivered again. Some thought he was buried, but they didn’t know he was a seed. 

Whether you need deliverance from sin, affliction, lies, or sickness, God has the power and desire to deliver you. He is mighty and loving, mysterious and real, Servant and King. And He sees your need and longs to meet you exactly where you are. Don’t just put your head down and muscle through whatever circumstance is before you. Instead, call on CHRIST the Deliverer, place your hand in His, and allow Him to guide you, equip you, and empower you for whatever stands in your way. 

Spend time in prayer allowing God to deliver you, protect you, comfort you, guide you, and give you peace.

Read: Daniel 6:16-23; 2 Samuel 22:2-4

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