Jesus – He Taught Us How to Live and Die

“If we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord” – Romans 14:8 (NIV)

The significance of the birth of Christ is holistically captured in the aforementioned Scripture, for it was Christ who adorned the robe of flesh and walked among men (John 1:14). His messianic mission was to preach the Good News – to give people an understanding of the kingdom of God and the eternal hope that they have through Him. This He did among the impoverished, the weak, the hurting, and the rejected in society. 

Brethren, Jesus was born so that we may live through Him (1 John 4:9). Our Saviour in John 10:10 (NIV) declared, “The thief (devil) comes only to steal and kill and destroy;  I (Jesus)  have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Jesus was born to die for the sinful lives of all mankind, thereby defeating the diabolical plans of the devil to lure us all into the pits of hell and damnation, where the fire never quenches. 

As Christians, we ought to prepare for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ by living a life characterised by holy conduct and godliness, just like Him. That is to say, our lives should not only be merely upright; they are to be devoted to and oriented around Christ (Matthew 24:42-44).

Let us be reminded that Jesus had to be born to remove the sins of humans through a perfect sacrifice (Hebrews 10:12). During this festive season, as we move into the celebratory mood, let not our sole focus be on the various delicious foods, Christmas decorations, and fairy lights, but rather, let us remember that Jesus came, lived, died, rose again, and is seated on the right-hand side of God interceding for us. He did not at any time sin as He accomplished His mission. 

Read: Matthew 10:28; Matthew 13:49-50

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 139:17-24; Jude 1; Zechariah 5; Zechariah 6; Zechariah 7; Zechariah 8

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