Jesus is Waiting to Use You!

“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves…” – John 6:9 (NIV)

Think about the most insignificant part of your life. As small and insignificant as it may seem, can you imagine Jesus seeing that part of you and using it for the fulfilment of His will, His purpose, and His glory? Yes! It must be hard to imagine. Now, think about a child with a bowl of snacks prepared for him/ herself and God multiplying the child’s bowl of snacks. 

While you ponder this, I will draw your attention to the account in the Bible when Jesus feeds the five thousand on a mountainside. Our human nature does not allow us to see God’s infinite nature even when we stand in awe. God can operate in and out of time, and when He sent His Son Jesus, He operated the same way, using things, animals, and, of course, people to carry out His Father’s will. 

In John 6, we read how a child stepped up with the little he had in what might seem like his snack bowl, and Jesus used it to feed the large crowd that followed Him because of the miracles He performed. As Jesus preached and taught, He realised the crowd grew, and He began enquiring about where to find bread for the people to eat (John 6:5)

Jesus already had a plan and was only testing His disciples.  As we read further, we see a little boy presenting his meal, knowing that it might not be enough. The gesture of this child may seem insignificant or underrated, but the child denied himself. He saw a crisis and attempted to bring a solution with his act of kindness, as any true leader would. He might have thought his meal was not big enough, and he might have said, “I’m just a little boy.” Regardless, he offered a solution. 

What’s that you have in your hands? How are your doubts and insecurities about yourself deterring you from living purposefully for God and leading in roles that you know God has called you to? I pray that you will experience a shift in thinking, today. Know that you can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13).


Jesus, we repent. We repent of all the times we have allowed the negative thoughts planted by the enemy to talk us out of doing Your will. I pray that Your Holy Spirit will help us to walk in victory and courageously do what You have called us to, in order to complete Your will on earth, all for Your glory. We thank You for Your grace, forgiveness, and mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read: Proverbs 16:3; 2 Timothy 2:21

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 68:28-35; John 19:28-42; John 20:1-9; 1 Samuel 29; 1 Samuel 30; 1 Samuel 31

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