Jesus Petitioned God for Our Forgiveness on Calvary’s Cross

Jesus Petitioned God for our Forgiveness on Calvary’s Cross

“…Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” – Luke 23:34a (NIV)

Has anyone ever told a lie about you to someone prominent who they know has the power to marginalise, stagnate, demote, victimise, discriminate against, and act prejudicial against you? 

The false accuser(s) knows that because of their level of accessibility and the fact that they are trusted wholeheartedly, their false information will be highly regarded as credible, and the accused will never be summoned to answer these false charges. Equally horrifying is the fact that your accuser may be one of your best friends.

Dr Murtland Raphael Massiah, presiding Bishop of the First Assembly of God church preaching at one Service, dealt with the question of the right to be heard (Audi alteram partem rule). The Bishop mentioned that although God saw Adam and Eve committed the act of disobedience when they ate from the tree of good and evil and hid their nakedness, God, in His omniscience, still asked the question, “Adam, where are you”? “Who told you that you were naked”? (Genesis 3 – NKJV).

Beloved, Jesus experienced character assassination and acts of betrayal. He was accused of being a ‘wine-bibber’ and was betrayed by His disciple Judas; His other disciples deserted Him. Peter denied he ever knew Him. He was arrested and placed before The Sanhedrin Council. The Chief Priests held a kangaroo court (intentionally ignoring evidence). They charged Him for violating the Sabbath law (by healing on the Sabbath), threatening to destroy the Jewish Temple, practicing sorcery, exorcising people by the power of demons, and committing blasphemy by claiming that He (Jesus) is the Messiah – (Luke 22).

If Jesus, whose body was scourged, forced to wear a crown of thorns plaited around His head that cut deeply into His scalp, was spat upon, beaten, mocked, falsely accused, stripped, and nailed to a cross, could petition God, His Father, for our forgiveness, how can we followers of Christ not forgive those who falsely accuse us – (Matthew 27, Luke 23:34)

It is a terrible experience to be falsely accused, misrepresented, maligned and slandered. Still, as Christians, we should not be surprised when it occurs because, like Jesus, we shall be persecuted for righteousness’ sake (Matthew 5:10-12). You must forgive those who have caused major devastation in your life with their toxic lies. If you are in a state of unforgiveness, pray and ask for God’s intervention.


Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, please remove the spirit of unforgiveness from my heart that has degenerated into bitterness and intense hatred against my false accuser(s). Transform my stony heart into flesh, renew my mind, and deliver me from the oppressive power of darkness that has used that portal to captivate my soul and consume my mind. Amen!

Read: Genesis 50:19-20; Matthew 6:15

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 40:9-17; Luke 9: 28-56; Numbers 35; Numbers 36 

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