Jesus – The Loving Servant

“…have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God…” – Philippians 2:5-6 (NIV)

We all have ambitions and goals, but being called by God requires us to be humble. He requires us to set aside our desires and preferences and to focus on the needs of others. Humility, therefore, requires us to be willing to serve in whatever way is needed, even if it’s not the most glamorous or prestigious role. 

When we serve with a heart of humility, we bless others and Glorify God. Scripture reminds us that when we give generously to the poor, we lend to God (Proverbs 19:17). Even though the Lord Jesus knew He would hang on the cross, He used His last precious hours to serve and prepare His disciples. He humbly surrendered unto the cross (John 10:18). Jesus knew when His hour had come: He humbly lived His life in anticipation of this hour. 

Instructively, Jesus loved His disciples to the end; even when they didn’t believe or understand Him, He didn’t stop loving them. What does the phrase to the end mean? It means “to the fullest extent, to the uttermost.” The writer Tenney says, “‘To the fullest extent’ is a better rendering of the original ‘eis telos’ than ‘unto the end.’ It does not mean that Jesus continued to love his disciples only up to the end of his career but that His love has no limits.” 

In John 13:4-5, our Lord Jesus showed us how to serve another humbly. Jesus did something that must have almost seemed insane. He began to do the job of the lowest servant in the household. He began to wash the disciples’ feet. At this moment, He was not thinking of Himself. This was a critical moment of the evening before the torture of the cross. Jesus did not think of Himself. He thought about His disciples. The Lord Jesus truly modeled how much it means to be humble and loved to the end. 

Jesus completely gave Himself to washing His disciples’ feet. He was thorough in the work. He did not delegate it but took a towel, girded Himself, poured water into a basin, and began to serve. He prepared for this process Himself, humbly serving and setting the example. The practice of being a servant pleases our God since those who want to lead must first serve (Matthew 20:26-28). Let’s bring honour and glory to our Lord by serving in the best manner possible.

Read: Genesis 26:22; Philippians 2:3-4 

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 78:56-72; Acts 21:1-26; 2 Kings 3; 2 Kings 4:1-37

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