Jesus, You’re my all in all

Jesus, You’re my all in all
Psalm 73: 25-26

Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”

Psalm 73: 25-26 (NKJV)

One of my mother’s favourite sayings was, “Jesus is my all in all!” As a child, I wondered what that meant, but as I grew, and became more observant, I realised what she meant. Although she may not have been considered by some as the best Christian, (her language was often very spicy) she placed God first in every aspect of her life, and by association, in our lives too. 

Mummy would have us pray every morning and night. She read the Psalms so often, that that part of her Bible was wrinkled and worn. She called upon God in the good times, the bad times, and the ‘in-between’ times. And she always reminded Him that He was her “all in all.”

For instance, when one of her thirteen biological children was ill, she prayed with us all. I say ‘biological’ because she was a mother to every child she felt needed “mothering.” And she made sure to let every one of us know that it was Jesus she depended on. If we were all well, she thanked Jesus too. 

When we had a wonderful meal, Jesus was her “all in all” and when all we had was ‘shine rice’ or plain rice, He still was her “all in all”. Mummy called upon Jesus before and after our examinations, before she sent us to borrow money from our neighbour, and after she returned the money. Jesus was her “all in all’ whether daddy visited or not. In every situation, Jesus was exalted.

All of that was practice for one fateful day in 1976 when my eldest brother was murdered. It was one month before his wedding. Everything was in place – food, venue and bridal party. Guests were informed, but my brother’s well-deserved promotion drew hate and envy from a co-worker who took him away from us. 

Mummy was inconsolable and almost crazy with grief, but through it all, she called on Jesus who had preserved us and kept us through lack, sicknesses, disappointments, frustrations, and pain. For days before and after the funeral, we heard her sobbing, but still the familiar words, “Jesus, you’re my all in all!”

Today, beloved, if you’re like my mother, and you have placed Jesus as the center of your life, why don’t you pray with me?


Dear Jesus, You are all that I have, and You give me all that I need. I thank you that I can feel Your Presence within and around me. Lord Jesus, through every situation that I face in life, please help me to remember that Your love for me is everlasting. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who gives me strength and comfort through the tough times. I promise to remain faithful to Your Word because You are my all in all. In Jesus’ name; Amen.

Read: Psalm 62:7-8; Psalm 63: 3; Ephesians 6:11; Colossians 3:11
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 73:1-14; Acts 7:44-60; Acts 8:1-3; 2 Samuel 18:19-33; 2 Samuel 19

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