Joy Illuminates Life

Joy Illuminates Life

Psalm 37:1-2 (NIV)

“Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong…they will soon die away.” – Psalm 37:1-2 (NIV)

Many of us may have experienced depression because of some trauma in our lives, including but not limited to having suffered the death of a loved one, a deceitful spouse, betrayal of a trusted confidant, unemployment, contracting some fatal disease (s), denied promotion – the list is immeasurable.

The devil replays our adverse experiences like a stuck record player in our minds, intending to cause us to act ungodly. Some of us who are serving God faithfully may fly in the face of God, asking Him why He allowed it to happen. The fact of the matter is that bad things happen. As servants of God, we will be tested and tempted, but our attitude will determine our altitude through it all. 

There are several carnal/evil reactions we may devise to soothe the flesh’s cravings for revenge, so we confront the issue ‘with the eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’ concept, leaving no room for God’s intervention. Do you not know that God laughs at the wicked because He knows that their days of judgement are coming? (Psalm 37:13). Do you know that He will avenge us and make an open show of our enemies and that He admonishes us to be kind to our enemies? (Romans 12:19-21) 

In the midst of our adversities, God is saying, do not worry about evildoers. His joy is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). The Hebrew meaning of the word ‘joy’ is “Chedvah,” which in context means to rejoice or to make glad., while “strength” in the same verse implies a place of safety, protection or stronghold in Hebrew, also. 

When saints exuberate or express joy in the midst of crises, it confuses and causes fear in the enemy’s camp because their intentions were to have us wallow in misery and blame God for our misfortunes. Joy, however, is not dependent on whether you have or have not; it is not dependent on whether you are in storms or experiencing peace and tranquility. It is one of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) that we need to inculcate daily in our lives. This is where we derive our strength.

Read: Matthew 5:11-12; James 1:2-3

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 91:9-16; I Corinthians 2:6-16; I Chronicles 22:2-19; I Chronicles 23

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