Just One Word!

Just One Word!

Mark 16:15 (NKJV)

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mark 16:15 (NKJV)

When last have you shared one word about Jesus? Have you ever realised that each day the Lord provides many opportunities for us to share His Word with a lost and dying world? People need Jesus! Regardless of what their wants are or what they may seem to be chasing, it all really boils down to what their fundamental need is. People need the LORD, and just one word from the Lord can make a transformational impact in a person’s life.

I recalled several years ago when I was pursuing biblical studies at Bible College, one teacher asked the class, as part of our first assessment, to write about the last time we led someone to Christ. I must admit, I had to ponder a bit but soon got to writing. I wrote about my church-organised missions’ activity which had taken place just about two months prior to this class. I wrote this essay well, crossing my t’s and dotting my I’s, ensuring pertinent information was included. I was quite pleased with my submission.

Our results were returned during the next class. Oh, how I received a shock of my life! The teacher related that she almost failed me! The major issue with my submission was this: How could you be satisfied that it had been two months since you had shared the Gospel or led someone to Christ? Oh, how I was ashamed of myself but accepted my rebuke in humility, for surely I had not done well. If my teacher was not pleased, what about Jesus?

Every day we interface with people, and Jesus requires us to share the Gospel with them. We don’t need a public stage or a well-organised programme to do this. We just need a heart of obedience and our mouths ready to speak as oracles of the Lord. Just one word from the Lord can transform a person’s life; make the difference between life and death; save a soul from the pit of hell; and lead a soul to life eternal. Let’s start by sharing one word!


Dear God, I have not been sharing Your word as I should. Please forgive me. I realise people need You, and You require me to share the Gospel with them. Please give me the willingness and boldness to speak Your Word to the lost. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read: Matthew 28:19-20; Romans 1:16; Hebrews 4:12
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 48:9-14; Luke 19:45-48; Luke 20:1-26; Deuteronomy 31:30; Deuteronomy 32

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