Keys to Unlock our God-Given Potential

“And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” Matthew 16:19 (KJV)

Brethren, be assured that within our earthen vessels God has already placed the required treasures we need to succeed and consequently, the keys to unlock our God-given potential into transformative power. We were born to succeed. However, in order for us to access that treasure, we need to holistically submit ourselves to the Refiner’s fire of the Holy Spirit that cleanses, purges and strips away layers of the works of the flesh which inhibits the treasures within the believers’ lives from coming forth. 

Conversely, spiritual and physical keys have one thing in common, they empower the users to unlock and be given access to possess their earthly and/or spiritual possessions. Physical keys are tailor-made to unlock and open the doors that give access to our homes, vehicles, desks, and so forth. Spiritual keys are in many cases, used symbolically to give access to the promises of God for our lives. “Education is the key to success”, is one of many examples of keys used symbolically. Still, it has a spiritual connotation in that education can cause believers to be empowered to acquire wealth and destroy the spirit of poverty that once dominated their lives. The wisdom of God is applied in this Kingdom principle. However, spiritual keys are not only those highlighted in Matthew 16:19 but also include love, repentance, faith, obedience, purpose, fearlessness, and prayer.

Be informed friends, “binding” and “loosing” are Kingdom principles reserved for Kingdom citizens. The words “whatever you bind” mean that there are no exceptions. We are binding whatever comes out from the gates of hell. The term “binding” used in the biblical context means to prohibit, forbid and prevent the hordes of hell from prevailing against us, the Church of Christ – (Matthew 16:18). To “loose” means breaking the chains of those in sin, who are in the bondage of addiction, sexual immorality, generational curses, backslidden, etc., and living in defeat. 

As believers, we declare a fixed heavenly decree that all who surrender themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord will gain eternal life. We also have a blessed assurance that God will confirm or ratify the earthly “binding” and “loosing” so that we may possess the keys to unlock our God-given potential.


Jehovah God, help us to fan into flames the gracious gift of God – 2 Timothy 1:6 (AMP). We believe, according to Your Word in John 15:16, that every believer is ordained, chosen, and appointed by You to be fruitful Christians. So we surrender our weaknesses, faults, struggles, and impurities to Your Holy Ghost refiner’s fire, so that we may be cleansed, purged, and transformed into Your likeness, to be used for Your honour and glory, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

Read: Matthew 16:18-19; John 15:16; 2 Timothy 1:6

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 22:17-27; 2 Corinthians 13; Isaiah 30 :19-33; Isaiah 31; Isaiah 32

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