Kingdom Service: The Joy and Benefits of Serving

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10

God equips his people with talents to serve others “so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the entire measure of the fullness of Christ,” according to Ephesians 4:12-13.  Three devout men of God are utilising their gifts in areas that preserve order and develop the kingdom of God in seemingly unconventional ministries. In a recent interview, Minister Noel Greene, Brother Mark Roberts, and Brother Mark DeBarros took us on a journey through their years of service.

Minister Noel Stanislaus Greene – “Give, and it will be given unto you.”

Minister Noel Greene is the maintenance overseer for First Assembly of God Wortmanville and is responsible for ensuring the church is secured and prepared for services. Min. Noel has served in this capacity for approximately 14 years. While most congregants know him as serving in the role of maintenance overseer, he has, in fact, also served in the Sunday School department and the Vacation Bible School (VBS) programme.

Min. Noel discovered his passion for serving upon realising his love and desire for helping the elderly and children. This prompted him to devote his time to the Sunday school department and teaching VBS with the encouragement of the late Pastor Raphael Jackman. Min Noel is adamant that he is committed to helping inside the body of Christ, wherever the need arises. Serving in the Kingdom of God fills him with immense joy, and he recognises that his purpose is to serve by helping others.

Min. Noel noted that, while serving has substantial benefits, one key benefit to him is that it has helped him develop self-control. The exposure to different personalities and understanding of how to deal with a range of situations while serving in a position where he oversees church activities has helped him control his anger. When confronted with adverse circumstances, he is careful to remember who he represents. His response in times of tension aims to reflect Christ’s teachings.  The gift of serving has been good to Min. Noel and the Body of Christ has benefited from his wonderful gestures of goodwill in helping other church members. There is a profound sense of peace in helping and trusting that God will sort things out. This is his keen affirmation.  

Minister Noel completed the interview by encouraging young people to “Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” He also urged them to seek counsel from a mentor within the church for guidance and continue walking with Christ.

Brother Mark Roberts – “Serving brings me great joy!”

Brother Roberts wears several hats in service of the kingdom.  For 15 years, he has served well as a parking attendant, facilitating ease and order for congregants and the church. Bro. Roberts also wears an athletic hat, serving as the church’s cricket team captain. Further still, Bro. Roberts is a committed member of the church’s maintenance committee, which is in charge of keeping the edifice in good condition. 

As an experienced driver, Bro. Roberts recognised that he could provide skilled and valuable assistance to others by ensuring correct and orderly parking during church services.  This realisation came after he learnt about the challenges many church members had when attempting to identify and secure good and orderly parking. 

Serving in this capacity has given Bro. Roberts the gratification of knowing he has helped others, and plaudits from members expressing gratitude for teaching them how to properly manage parking spots, have given him great delight.

Even though serving in the parking lot is what most people remember him for, working in the recreational department has also given him a lot of pleasure. It provides him with the opportunity to share about Christ. The platform allows him to encourage team members to devote their lives to Christ. 

“No matter what your talent is, go with your passion, serve with all your heart, and enjoy what you do,” Brother Roberts said in concluding the interview while encouraging young members.

Brother Mark DeBarros – “I will serve until my last breath.”

For the last 20 years, Brother Mark DeBarros, popularly known as “the man at the crossing,” has stood at the pedestrian crossing in front of First Assembly of God Wortmanville church, directing congregants and automobiles. For the last 10 years, he has been a member of the recreational department, mentoring and coaching youths in football and cricket — a lively and committed servant of God who is quick with a smile and a kind greeting. 

Bro. Mark shared that he made multiple mistakes in his early years of life, but he understood he needed to change. His gifts in leadership and sports were recognised by the late Pastor Jackman, and he was selected to lead the sports team. Before taking on this leadership duty, Bro. Mark made a conscious decision to convert his life and serve God wholeheartedly. Similar to Pastor Jackman’s keen eye, another church leader pointed out Bro. Mark as a youngster to stand at the pedestrian crossing and assist in controlling traffic flow and pedestrians before and after church. He graciously accepted and continues to serve to this day.

Serving in God’s kingdom has taught Bro. Mark to be obedient, he admitted. He feels deep gratitude and notes that service in the kingdom of God encourages him to never return to his previous life and to continue on the right course. ” God is the right road, God is the only path,” he said. 

Members of the sports teams benefit from Bro. Mark’s excellent training, time commitment to the teams, and passion for sports. He provides them with an open field where team members may have fun while playing, but he also teaches them order and discipline. Bro. Mark utilises the chance at the conclusion of each session to pray with the team or empowers a teammate to pray so that each would practice praying.

Bro. Mark, who became a born-again Christian twenty years ago, is committed to using his talents to serve. As a new man in Christ, he considers it a pleasure to serve. He is also grateful that his service allows him to win souls for the kingdom as he continues to mentor young men, share the gospel with them and urge them to attend church. 

Brother Mark DeBarros challenged young people to consider why they should serve God. “When you constantly serve on the devil’s side, doing wrong, it may look exciting at the time, but when you serve God, you receive eternal glory. Therefore, serve God!” he advised youths.

May God continue to bless these obedient servants of the Lord, and may prosperity abound in their lives.

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