Assistant Pastor, Dr Celicia Paruag, is a Communications Strategist, Urban and Cultural Transformational Leader, Television and Radio Producer, freelance writer, videographer, and photographer. She holds a doctorate degree in Transformational Leadership and an MBA from Bakke Graduate University (BGU). She earned a Bachelor of Social Science – Communication from the University of Guyana. Dr Paruag also graduated from the Assemblies of God Bible College and the International School of Ministry.

Over the years, she has served in several capacities in our local church, including Children’s Church, Sunday School, and Youth Ministry. She created and led the Media Ministry for ten years and was a featured voice on the Children’s Crusade Hour with her mentors, Rev. Dr Yvonne Osman and Sister Iris Morgan. 

After migrating to the USA, Dr Paruag served as a Deaconess-at-large and advisor to the Media Department. She was recently appointed Assistant Pastor to the Diaspora Ministries on January  02, 2022. One of her more significant accomplishments to date is her work with homeless and abandoned children in Guyana, an experience that gave her a profound appreciation for serving underprivileged communities. 

Dr Paruag loves to experience various cultures through books, the people of those cultures, and their culinary offerings. Her life and service are influenced by this statement: “In Him, I live, move, and have my  being.” Acts 17:28.

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