Pastor Dellon Thompson currently serves at First Assembly of God Wortmanville’s outstation in Parfaite Harmonie, where he fulfils his duties under the leadership of Reverend Dr Marcel Hutson and Bishop Dr M. Raphael Massiah. 

He is an Assemblies of God in Guyana (AOG) Bible College graduate and a graduate of the Caribbean School of Theology, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology and Bible. Currently, he’s reading for a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work at the University of Guyana.

This man of God leads the Parfaite Harmonie’s Youth Ministry and is a full-time missionary staff worker with the Inter-school Inter-varsity Christian fellowship. The areas of ministry in which he is involved include counselling and exhortation, working with youths, and teaching the Word.  He is also a creative arts enthusiast who enjoys writing and performing poetry and rap.

Pastor Thompson and Sister Tiffani Thompson were married in October 2016, and together, they have two children. 

As he serves in God’s vineyard, Pastor Thompson has a keen appreciation for the Scripture 1 Corinthians 9:27, which states, “But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified”.

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