Reverend Evlyn Gulliver is an Assistant Pastor at First Assembly of God Wortmanville (FAOGW) in Georgetown, Guyana and has been in ministry for over thirty-two years, serving in several ministries. 

She has pastoral responsibility for the FAOG Outstation – Judah Assembly serving the community at C Field Turkeyen [Sophia] and was recently appointed Director of the Assemblies of God (AOG) National Women’s Ministries after diligently supporting the Department for several years.

Reverend Gulliver is a retired Headteacher who has served for over fifty years in the education sector, molding our nation’s children. Her penchant for service has led her to serve as President of the Women’s Ministries after diligently supporting the Department and as a teacher in the Sunday School Department within our local fellowship.

She is a graduate of the AOG Bible College with a Christian Workers Certificate and holds several certifications from the Caribbean School of Theology courses. She also holds a Bachelor of Ministry Degree from Covenant Theological Seminary and an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies from Vision International University, both falling under the umbrella of the International School of Ministry (ISOM) programme facilitated by FAOGW. Reverend Gulliver currently facilitates courses at her alma-mater – AOG Bible College.

Reverend Gulliver loves to travel and spends her leisure time reading or watching an exciting movie.  When she is not taking care of her flowering plants or tending to her kitchen garden, she is occupied with running a literacy program from her home, serving children in the community.

The Word of God keeps her focused each time as she reflects on her favourite Scripture – “The Lord is my rock and my fortress,…my stronghold” – Psalm 18:2.

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