Assistant Pastor Aubrey Jupiter was appointed in February 2024 and has served as an assistant in ministry at the First Assembly of God Prosperity/Barnwell North Outstation since  2016. Gleaning and learning under Bishop Dr M. Raphael Massiah, the shepherd of our local assembly, Assistant Pastor Jupiter has a passion for Sunday School, which he still teaches, and assists in the ministry of the Word and leading worship – a veritable man for all seasons.

In 1979, Assistant Pastor Jupiter gave his life to Christ and has been faithfully serving the Lord ever since. He holds a Graduate diploma in Industrial Relations & Sociology from the Critchlow Labour College, a Diploma in Biblical Studies from the International School of Ministry (ISOM), and a Diploma in Christian Education from the Assemblies of God (AOG) Guyana Bible School. He is currently reading for a Bachelor’s degree in Ministry at ISOM.

At the lowest point in his life, Assistant Pastor Jupiter stated, “God spoke to my heart, and to date, I am experiencing His gracious hands in my life. I now have this assurance that every day, God has His best for me.” 

For Assistant Pastor Jupiter, Jeremiah 29:11 has been his Rhema (God’s Word) for many years. He firmly believes that ‘God has plans to prosper him and not to harm him, to give him a hope and a future.’ This Scripture drives him daily to hold onto the Lord.

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