Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So

“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed…” – 1 Peter 1:18 (NIV) 

Myer Pearlman, author of “Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible,” stated that the Word in both the Old and New Testaments means to buy back by paying a price, loose from bondage by paying a price, and buy in a market. He further stated that “the Lord Jesus is a Redeemer, and His atoning work is described as redemption” (Matthew 20:28, Revelation 5:9, Galatians 3:13).

An illustration of redemption is found in the Old Testament law of the kinsman-redeemer (Leviticus 25:47-49). According to this law, a man who sold himself into servitude because of debt could regain his liberty at any time on condition that he was redeemed by someone possessing the following qualifications: he must be kin to the man, or if he sacrifices and prospers, he can redeem himself. The Lord Jesus measured up to these qualifications: He became kin to us by taking our nature; He was willing to give up all to redeem us (2 Corinthians 8:9), and being Divine, He was able to pay the price – His own precious blood.

The author alluded to the fact that redemption reminds us that salvation is costly and, therefore, not to be lightly esteemed. When some Corinthians believers became careless in their manner of living, the apostle Paul asked them if they knew that their bodies were temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in them which they have received from God. They were further reminded that they were bought with a price and admonished to honour God with their bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

As believers of our Lord Jesus, we must guard our testimonies (1 Peter 2:12). “For if we go on wilfully and deliberately sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice” [to atone] for our sins [that is, no further offering to anticipate] (Hebrews 10:26 – AMP). Saints, many of us can testify that Jesus’ blood sacrifice on Calvary has delivered us from the powers of darkness, which had us bound in generational curses, poverty, sexual immorality, etc. Thus, there is no guarantee that if you return to that pit of sin, you will come back alive, and should you return by God’s grace, you will be seven times worse (Matthew 12:43-45).

It is imperative that we guard our testimony.

Read: Psalm 107:2-3; Revelation 14:3-4

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 50:1-15; Luke 22:1-38; Joshua 3; Joshua 4; Joshua 5:1-12

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