- A collaborative effort of servant leaders
Children occupy a special place in God’s heart. The Word of God endorses the need for His ordinances to be passed on from generation to generation. In Jeremiah 1:5, God shows how He controls our lives, even before we are formed in our mother’s womb. In the New Testament, Jesus displayed His love and compassion when He said to His disciples, “Let them (the children) come.” This must be our posture as we serve in God’s vineyard and have the privilege of interacting with children. Let’s follow Jesus’ example of blessing them as we speak and act.

God has inspired leaders of an International Christian Organisation to promote evangelism, discipleship, and the multiplication of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with children. Their principles are:
1. Give children an opportunity to hear and respond to the
2. Build relationships with children and their families
3. Offer The Greatest Gift (Jesus), through Evangelism
4. Invite children to join The Greatest Journey as we travel through interactive sessions that offer twelve(12) Discipleship sessions
5. Prepare children to tell others about the journey and, as a result, produce the multiplication effect in families and communities.

FAOG Wortmanville and Judah Assembly recently collaborated with the Assemblies of God (AOG) Guyana National Sunday School Ministry to minister to over two hundred and fifty children. Included were children from Sophia, Wortmanville, Werk-en-rust, and Charlestown communities. Our team included twelve teachers and seven prayer partners. Our preparation as teachers involved training that formed us into a team of ‘Ministry Partners’ attached to our local Fellowship.
We were blessed by the presence of God as children, teachers, and parents sang praises and enjoyed a Puppet Presentation. They were well received as the children were very responsive. Children also answered the Salvation Call and were led in prayer while a prayer covering their lives was said. Then came the time for sharing the tangible gifts; as expected, the children were excited. Special note must be taken of their exemplary behaviour throughout this encounter. We are confident that the message was transmitted through the airwaves to those under the sound of our voices as a sound system was in place, thereby multiplying our impact. An eleven-year-old boy and a nine-year-old girl prayed for the girls and boys who packed the boxes that were shared. We were all touched.

Reflecting on the entire afternoon’s activities, there were undoubtedly Signs of Hope recorded and etched in the memory of every discerning individual. The team was definitely inspired to continue ministering to children. The next phase is travelling on ‘The Greatest Journey.’ As we prepare, we’re anticipating a move of God that will allow the children to experience personal encounters with the Holy Spirit and continue to grow in Him. This phase is the Discipleship Ministry, and as the teachers prepare our nation’s children for the task of multiplication, they must understand the need for the Holy Spirit in their lives. We’re definitely living in exciting times.
All praise, honour, and glory are due to the God of all gods, the King of kings, and the Power and Anointing of the Holy Spirit.