Living a Life Free From Sin and Temptation

Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you…” – John 16:7-16 (NKJV)

Do you want to live a sustained life free from sin and pleasing to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ? If your answer is “YES,” then you need the Holy Spirit, the One Whom Jesus sent when He ascended to His Father in heaven (Luke 24:51). It is only through the Holy Spirit that we can avoid constant sin (Romans  6:6). He keeps us in check, convicting us when we sin and prompting us to repent (John 16:13). He lets us know when we are doing wrong and encourages us to avoid sinning when we are tempted. 

To fully benefit from the help of the Holy Spirit, we need to arm ourselves with the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:11-13). When we are fully armed with the weapons of salvation, truth, righteousness, faith, God’s Word, and peace, we will then truly reflect the characteristics of the Holy Spirit. 

We will no longer live our lives the way we used to, and by doing so, we will bear witness to the presence of the Holy Spirit in us. We will demonstrate patience and display love to others unconditionally. We will experience joy irrespective of our situation. The peace that surpasses all understanding will be ours. We will show kindness and goodness to others while being faithful in all that we do. We will be able to exercise self-control while being able to endure long-suffering (Galatians 5:22-23). These are the attributes of having the Holy Spirit living in you as you seek to live for the Lord Jesus Christ. I encourage you to seek Him today, for He is real, and He is waiting to come and live in you so that you live a purpose-driven life here on earth. 

Today, my life is so much better because of the help of the Holy Spirit, and I am determined to press on in Him. He talks with me all the time, and when I err periodically, He encourages me to get up and keep going. 

He is waiting for you. He would love to help you like He did and is doing for me. Why not invite Him today? This life can be like a roller coaster at times, but with the Holy Spirit’s presence with you on that roller coaster ride, you can be assured that it will be well.

Read: Mark 14:38; Romans 7:16-18

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 108:1-5; Galatians 3:26-29; Galatians 4:1-20; Isaiah 43; Isaiah 44:1-23

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