Living By The Power of Redemption – Part 1

“…we have redemption through His blood..” – Ephesians 1:7 (KJV)

From the beginning, God has held men and women accountable for their sins. In the Garden of Eden, God warned Adam that the consequence of his disobedience would be death. And from the moment Adam transgressed, mankind has suffered the dread and deathly consequences of sin (Genesis 2:16-17).

When a man violates God’s law, he isn’t acquitted because a crafty lawyer gets him off the hook with a legal loophole. Men are acquitted because a loving Saviour took their place and accepted the sentence of death on a Cross. When we accept Christ’s sacrifice for our sins, God declares us pardoned. This is an incredible work of grace that we cannot fathom. Even though we are guilty, Christ assumes the penalty for our transgression and acquits us. His death on the cross wipes out the record of our wrongdoing. That is the power of redemption!

Living by the power of redemption means you understand that Christ satisfied God’s demand for justice for sin. And sin’s penalty is not determined by the degree of our sin; it’s determined by the holiness of the One against Whom it is committed.

God cannot overlook sin because God created the Law and a justice system for that law. The grace of Jesus pays our penalty and saves us from our sins. Jesus is the immeasurable treasure of Heaven whose sacrifice on the cross more than paid for the sins of the world. Are your sins great? Are transgressions appalling? Are iniquities dreadful? Be assured, Christ’s grace is greater: God, through Christ, redeemed us “in accordance with the riches of His grace.”

Read: Galatians 2:20; Titus 2:11-14

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 10:31-32; Proverbs 11:1-8; John 1:29-51; Joshua 17; Joshua 18

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