Lost and Found – Part 2

‘Rejoice with Me.’ Luke 15:9

Can we put a monetary value to a soul?

In Luke 15, the question was asked about a woman who lost one of ten silver coins. What would her response be even though it was lost in her own house? Every one of the coins was precious to her, so she would begin a keen search by lighting a lamp and sweeping the house in a careful manner. 

Let’s make some observations: first of all, the coin was lost in the house. This speaks to the fact that a brother or sister in the House with us could be lost. Then there is a need to act. The careful sweeping of the house should remind us of our ‘Spring Cleaning’ that is done in every room. This is the way that we find many things that we may not have seen for a while. Could the lamp and the light be the ‘Word of God’ that guides our feet and path? The woman looked until she found the coin. What would be our posture? We must never give up on anyone. 

At this point she called her friends and neighbours together and said, “Rejoice with me for I have found the piece which I had lost!” When we rejoice on earth for one who repents, the angels of God join us. What a celebration!

Read: Luke 15:8-10

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 21:1-7; Matthew 27:11-44; Exodus 11; Exodus 12

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