Made Available by Grace

“…For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the Grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.” – Romans 5:15 (KJV)

The effects of Christ’s work were seen in Paul’s letter, Romans 5:18-21. The consequences of Adam’s trespass were condemnation, leading to death, but the benefit of Jesus’ righteousness is justification leading to life.  In verse 19, Paul emphasises that if the one act of disobedience by Adam had the power to make us all sinners, so also the one act of obedience by Christ has the power to make us all righteous. Therefore, grace is more powerful than sin!

In verse 20, Paul points out the true function of the Law. He explains that the Law could not make people righteous before God. It only could show how bad they were. Thus, the abundance of sin serves only to show the desperate need for grace. While in verse 21, we read about Sin and Grace’ i.e., sin’s reign was spreading moral chaos and spiritual doom around the world, but grace is arrayed against sin. It is mighty to save. 

Grace brings hope to the despairing and eternal life to the spiritually dead. Reconciliation with God is accomplished only through Christ. Grace makes it possible for sinners to be forgiven and reconciled to God. When we testify to others how we have experienced God’s grace, we can motivate sinners to want to receive His love and come into a reconciled relationship with Him for eternity.

Thus, if we are reconciled to God by the death of Christ, we will be sustained by His life, His resurrection. He is the source of future salvation. The outpouring of God’s love by the Holy Spirit makes this possible. Reverend Billy Graham said, “I am not going to heaven because I’ve preached to great crowds of people.  I’m going to heaven because Jesus died on the cross.” Grace is available today, seek Him.


Lord, I come into Your presence thanking You for forgiveness. In a culture where many experience depression and other clinical sicknesses because of guilt, I know that my past is redeemed because of Christ’s sacrifices for me. Your forgiveness is amazing. Although I don’t deserve it, You pour it out freely and lovingly. Thank You for pardoning me, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read: Romans 5:19; Ephesians 2:16

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 93; I Corinthians 5; I Chronicles 28; I Chronicles 29

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