Making Jesus the Centre Again

 “Now godliness with contentment is great gain.” – 1 Timothy 6:6 (NKJV)

Everything about this season does not have to be picture-perfect. Is your heart picture-perfect? Is it filled with love or hate, hope or disappointment, faith or hopelessness, joy or sadness, peace or turmoil, integrity or dishonesty, kindness or meanness, gratitude or ingratitude, forgiveness or unforgiveness, respect or disrespect, or finally patience or impatience? As individuals, we aren’t perfect, but simply placing Jesus in His perfect place of authority in our hearts would enable us to grow in perfection in Christ daily.

Our hearts are often filled with clouds covering the sunshine of love, hope, peace, faith, patience, etc. that God blesses us with daily. We must understand that placing Jesus in the perfect place, the centre, is of far more importance. This brings to mind the song which I enjoy: 

“Jesus at the center of it all, 

From beginning to the end, 

It will always be, 

It has always been You, Jesus”

As you prepare to hang those curtains, put up the garland and fairy lights, and fix that Christmas tree, consider whether your celebrations are about Christ Jesus or the picture-perfect home. The pepper pot or how many gifts are beneath the tree shouldn’t detract from Whom the season is about. When you place your star upon the tree, ask yourself, “What have I done with the Greatest Star?”

Jesus is the Greatest gift to us, given by the Father of lights. He is the Brightest Star that should shine in our hearts and homes to illuminate those around us. Don’t be distracted by this season and buy, buy, buy…Stop the ‘shop till you drop syndrome’ because no matter how much you purchase or receive, it will never be enough until Jesus is returned to the throne of your heart.

Don’t become sucked into the web of deceit of the enemy, this Christmas let Jesus be the Centre of your heart, family, and home.


Jesus, I repent. I have become consumed with the curtains, hanging the garland, and fixing the tree. I choose right now to make You the Centre of my heart. It is in You I live and move and have my being. I return You today to the throne of my heart, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read: Matthew 4:17; 1 Peter 5:8

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 145:1-7; Revelation 11; Ezra 4:6-24; Ezra 5

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