Man Talk – Encouraging Men to ‘Open Up’

Changing Lives and Touching the Hearts of Men

― A Legacy of the Late Pastor Raphael Jackman

It was a typical Tuesday evening when the Men’s Ministry of First Assembly of God Church met in the second quarter of 2013. Overseeing the gathering was the late Assistant Pastor Raphael Jackman. During the session, he challenged the men to take their meetings beyond the walls of the church building ― which at that time was the Children’s Church building (opposite church). Those in attendance agreed.

Inaugural Man Talk in June 2013

The first outdoor meeting was held at the Square of the Revolution, in the shadow of the 1763 (Cuffy) Monument. In this more open and relaxed setting men shared their personal stories and vulnerabilities. The gathering of about 15 to 20 men refreshed themselves with good mauby and tennis rolls with cheese. It was a sweet fellowship. This is where and when Man Talk was born.

Men’s Conference 2013 was held on Friday, June 14, 2013 and featured Man Talk on the final night, during which at least 50 men were ministered to. Ever since, Man Talk became a highly anticipated aspect of the annual Men’s Conference, headlined by guest speaker Bishop, Dr. M. Raphael Massiah. The usual location for Man Talk is at the Church’s parking lot at the corners of D’Urban Street and Louisa Row, Wortmanville.

Speaking with the President of the Men’s Ministry department, Elder Cleveland Dey, it is understood that this platform is one where men are given an opportunity to hammer out issues which affect them. Here they can receive effective counsel, which encourages them to live purpose-driven, Christ-Centred lives. As a means of breaking down the “men don’t talk” culture, Man Talk encourages men to open up and share their thoughts and feelings, while other men point them in the right direction.

“I remember this one year, a man was going through so many problems with his girlfriend; he said his girlfriend threw out all his clothes in the yard, doused it with kerosene and lit them on fire. He came to Man Talk and shared this experience, and the pastors on that panel spoke to him in such a way that calmed his spirit since he was greatly disturbed, angry and furious, planning to do something drastic about that situation.”  He eventually gave his life to Christ, considered his ways, and chose to try the same Jesus which was preached to him.

Q & A Segment of Man Talk

Elder Dey recalled that encounter occurred during a period when the number of reported cases of domestic violence and spousal abuse, including domestic homicide,  appeared to be particularly high, with the majority of victims being women. He was no doubt, graciously alluding to the aversion of a potential tragedy that that chance encounter may have had on an entire family and community.

 “Men don’t want to discuss personal matters, especially issues surrounding their lives”, he elaborated and noted that when men are allowed a safe space to vent, they tend to be candid about issues affecting them. Moreover, the ability to discuss their issues with other men, helps them to give thought to their own actions. He is happy that the church provides this timely and relevant service, as the impact of this platform is far-reaching. “Even the community benefits from the advice and counsel that men receive here, which ultimately positively impact families”.  

At Man Talk, no topic is off-limits. Men and boys are encouraged to bring any question to the discussion and this platform does its best to explore and address it, candidly and honestly, with the Scriptures as the guide. 

Man Talk continues to be hosted annually since its inception through 2019, except in 2015 and 2016 when there were two sessions. The number of participants grew steadily as more men sought to share and soak up the wealth of knowledge and counsel that was made available to them. These two years (2015 and 2016) saw the largest attendance of more than 100 men, from a wide societal and denominational cross-section, tapping into ‘Man Talk’.  Participants came from First Assembly,  its surrounding communities, East and West Coasts, and the East and West Banks of the county of Demerara, including members from Full Gospel and Anglican fellowships. It has become a highly anticipated event. 

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There has been a demand from men in Wortmanville (where the church is situated) for Man Talk ever since the last one was held in 2019; before the COVID-19 pandemic. This speaks to the depth of its impact. Even men who are not frequent attendees of the church are enquiring about it. One thing is for certain at this point; Man Talk will return soon.

Prior to COVID-19, the Men’s Ministry considered launching Man Talk in different communities, including Parfaite Harmonie, Sophia, and other parts of Wortmanville. As COVID-19 restrictions are gradually being relaxed, the leadership will explore safe methods of rolling out this plan. Future events are expected to net a much wider reach, with guest speakers from the diaspora, and global viewership made possible by virtual platforms. Serious consideration is being given to inviting a team from the Calvary Christian Fellowship Church in Columbus, Ohio, USA spearheaded by Pastor Gavin Walker, Elder Dey shared. Man Talk initiative is certainly being renewed.

Members of the Men’s Ministry Executive & Bishop Massiah at the 2019 Conference
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