Marked for Victory

“We are pressured in every way but not crushed…struck down but not destroyed.” 

2 Corinthians 4:8-9 (HCSB)

Have you ever wondered how a piece of clay feels in the potter’s hand? If it were to talk, what would it say? Imagine being uprooted, beaten, rolled, pressed, and then baked and having the process repeated several times before you get to the finished product.

The clay jar symbolises the human body, which holds the light of the Gospel — Jesus Christ — within it. Despite the challenges and hardships we may face, they do not define our final state. In 1 Kings 17:7-16, we read the account of the widow at Zarephath, who, when asked by Elijah to bring him a morsel of bread, was left with only enough for herself and her son. Yet, in faith, she obeyed the servant of the Lord, and as a result, they experienced an overflow of provision, even in the midst of a severe famine. This account serves as a powerful reminder that God will always provide a way of escape for His people, even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Even though we may sometimes find ourselves overwhelmed by the “why me” mentality, it’s important to remind ourselves of the words in Philippians 4:8-9, where Apostle Paul encourages us to focus on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable, so that we do not lose hope. We should daily exemplify Christ-like qualities. 

As we journey in this walk of faith with Jesus, let us rely on the tools provided in God’s Word, especially the Armour of God, when faced with challenges. Lean on it for strength and use it as a constant reminder that our struggles are temporary, even when it feels like we’ve been stuck on repeat. 

Just as clay on the potter’s wheel may feel unformed, it will one day become a masterpiece that inspires awe and admiration. Your life is a living, praise-worthy testimony, a reflection of God’s grace and transformative power. Keep pressing forward, for the victory is already yours. We are marked for victory, so walk in that truth with confidence and strength. 

Read: Ephesians 6:10-13; Galatians 5:22-23

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 10:12-18; Matthew 13:18-35; Genesis 36; Genesis 37

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