Marriage Covenant – A Cord of Three Strands

“For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh” – Ephesians 5:31 (KJV)

A Christian marriage is a covenant made between heterosexual couples, with God at the centre – a cord of three strands; this means that God pledges to help us hold the covenant together, even when we feel like giving up. It is important for us not to rely on our own strength, grit, wisdom, or willpower to keep our covenant together but instead look to the One who gave His life to keep His covenant with us. God has vested interest in our marriage since He created this institution.

Beloved, marriage is a Covenant and not a contract. While a contract is legally binding, a covenant is a spiritual agreement with God in the middle. Marriage is intended to be a life-long commitment by both parties to maintain trust and fidelity until separated by death. In a covenant, we put the relationship’s needs ahead of our own needs, humbly serving each other.

The one flesh concept is critical in every marriage. John and Paula Sandford, authors of “Restoring The Christian Family,” wrote, “Man and woman becoming one flesh mean that we enter into a commonality of feelings, one way of thinking, one set of goals. We do not become each other. We do not lose our identities to each other. We enjoy a unity of love in which each person can become all they’re meant to be. We also become one body in the sense that the physical body does not seem complete without the other. Being with each other in spirit unites and completes each individual”.

Brethren, husbands are the spiritual Priests of homes, the foundation of families; they are called to love as Jesus loves us. Their task is to sacrifice their lives for the benefit of their wives and families. Priests of God, do not expect God to answer your prayers if you do not treat well with your wife – 1 Peter 3:7

The one flesh concept is a God idea, so it is arranged in a three-cord setting with Christ at the center. Marriage can be so wonderful when Christ is in control. Take all your difficult and perplexing marital problems to Him; He will solve them and supply enough grace to see you through while you wait on Him for the answer.

Read: Malachi 2:14; 1 Corinthians 7:1-3

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 19:1-6; Matthew 26:1-30; Exodus 1; Exodus 2; Exodus 3

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