Miriam the Prophetess – Part 1

‘…Miriam answered them: “Sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously!…” 

Exodus 15:21 (NKJV)

Miriam is one of the great heroes of our faith. As a young girl, she helped save the infant Moses, Israel’s future deliverer. As a prophetess, she exhorted and encouraged God’s people and led the singing of the first psalm ever recorded in Scripture. She was one of the leaders of God’s people at a crucial moment in history. She led the celebration after crossing the Red Sea, sharing their forty-year journey through the wilderness.

In Biblical times, people danced to celebrate happy events and to praise God. The very first mention of dancing in Scripture is when Miriam led the Israelite women in a dance that celebrated God’s miraculous defeat of the Egyptians at the Red Sea.

Can you imagine the emotions of these women as they walked (perhaps ran) between the walls of water of the Red Sea, Egyptian chariots right behind them? Fearful for their lives, they breathlessly reached the Eastern shore, turning around to see the waters come crashing in to drown the Egyptians and their horses – what a narrow, frightening escape!

Just as Miriam and the women couldn’t help but dance with joy, when God does a wonderful job in our lives, we sometimes must respond in much the same manner. Our faces break into smiles, our hands lift up, and our feet can’t remain still! Certainly, the God Who created the human body delights in the pure use of this beautiful instrument to offer praise to Him.

Let us then sing to the Lord and praise His holy name (Psalm 30:4) and rejoice in Him, exulting in His salvation (Psalm 42:4). Let us exalt His name forever, Hallelujah! God is faithful!

Read: Psalm 31:16; Psalm 100:1-2

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 78:1-8; Acts 16:1-15; I Kings 12:25-33; I Kings 13; I Kings 14:1-20

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