My Faith Without Wavering 

“A faithful man will abound with blessings…” – Proverbs 28:20 (NKJV)

Faithfulness in our lives stems from being ‘FULL OF FAITH’. This phrase continues to linger in my mind. According to the Oxford Dictionary, “Full” means having no empty space, not lacking /omitting anything. On the other hand, “Faith” means complete trust or confidence in someone or something. We also know that Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1)

1 Corinthians 10:13 reminds us that the Lord is faithful, truthful, and unlimited, unlike the very limited man. He shows His loving kindness in the morning and His faithfulness every night (Psalms 92:2). Thus, let us remain quite faithful in Christ. 

During my final year at the university, trials and tribulations kept coming my way, and I remembered the old saying, ‘Being a Christian is not an easy task. Your faith is always being tested.’ Sometimes, prayerlessness would step in with a lot of frustration, but I never gave up. I humbled myself before God. Instead of doing assignments, I kept writing notes and letters to God, sometimes concluding by asking the question why is this happening to me. WHY ME? 

To crown it all, my mother died in my hands after a brief period of illness. As devastating as it seemed (there was not a tear anymore), I knew this was God. I said, “Lord, you have to do this now for me.” I continued with my classes and deliverance services during my lunch break. My faith began to rise in Jesus. I attended church services, hoping that the members would see my grief and pains and pray for me, but to no avail. I wanted to withdraw from church, but the Spirit didn’t let me. However, as hopeless as it sounds, those little notes and talking to God and waiting finally gave me my breakthrough; things began to change. My examination results were great. God did show up. 

Like Job, we can find hope knowing God is always faithful and loving, never leaving our side. He is always with us because He promises He will never leave us nor forsake us. Job 1:22 (KJV) says, “In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly. Be encouraged.


Heavenly Father, thank You because You are faithful and true. Faithful Father, I know You are always there with us, for our strength is made perfect in weakness. Lord, help us to understand that with You, all things are possible. Your steadfast love never ceases, Your mercies never come to an end, but they are new every morning. Great is thy Faithfulness. Amen. 

Read: Job 2:10; Romans 14:22

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 18:43-50; Matthew 25:14-46; Job 40:3-24; Job 41; Job 42

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